import os from pyinfra import host, inventory from pyinfra.operations import server, apk, files, openrc from pyinfra.facts.server import Mounts from pyinfra_util import get_pass files.replace( name="Enable TCP forwarding via SSH server", path="/etc/ssh/sshd_config", text="AllowTcpForwarding no", replace="AllowTcpForwarding yes", ) openrc.service( name="Restart sshd", service="sshd", restarted=True, ) files.replace( name="Enable community repository", path="/etc/apk/repositories", text="#", replace="", ) apk.update() apk.packages( packages=["cryptsetup", "vim"] ) mounts = host.get_fact(Mounts) if "/var/lib/libvirt" not in mounts: decryption_password = get_pass('0x90/ararat/sdb-crypt').strip() if decryption_password: name="Decrypt and mount /data", commands=[ f" echo -n '{decryption_password}' | cryptsetup luksOpen --key-file - /dev/sdb1 sdb_crypt || true", "mount /dev/mapper/sdb_crypt /var/lib/libvirt", ] ) apk.packages( packages=["libvirt-daemon", "qemu-img", "qemu-system-x86_64", "virt-install"] ) openrc.service( name="Start libvirtd", service="libvirtd", running=True, enabled=False, ) # add networking: # modprobe tun # echo "tun" >> /etc/modules-load.d/tun.conf # cat /etc/modules | grep tun || echo tun >> /etc/modules # if it doesn't exist, create debian base image (later: and other base images): # for every active VM, if no image exists, run virt-install with the chosen base image and their cloud-init.yml file: debian_image_path = "/var/lib/libvirt/images/debian-12-generic-amd64.qcow2" name="Download Debian 12 base image", src="", dest=debian_image_path, ) for vm in inventory.groups.get("debian_vms"): if os.path.isfile(f"{vm}/files/cloud-init.yml"): files.put( name=f"Upload {vm}-cloud-init.yml", src=f"{vm}/files/cloud-init.yml", dest=f"/root/{vm}-cloud-init.yml", ) #virt-install else: if"authorized_keys"): authorized_keys = "ssh_authorized_keys:\n - " + " - ".join( [get_pass(f"0x90/ssh_keys/{admin}.pub") for admin in"authorized_keys")] ) else: authorized_keys = "" files.template( name=f"Upload {vm}-cloud-init.yml", src="ararat/files/cloud-init.yml.j2", dest=f"/root/{vm}-cloud-init.yml", ssh_authorized_keys=authorized_keys, ) memory = 1024 vcpus = 1 disk_size = 4 name=f"virt-install {vm}", commands=[ f"virt-install --name {vm} --disk=size={disk_size},backing_store={debian_image_path} " f"--memory {memory} --vcpus {vcpus} --cloud-init user-data=/root/{vm}-cloud-init.yml,disable=on " "--network bridge=virbr0 --osinfo=debian12 || true", ] ) # for every active VM, make sure an IP is assigned and traffic is passed to it