diff --git a/Marlin/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/Configuration_adv.h
index 088554ebb8..0ae9282f05 100644
--- a/Marlin/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@
-//============================ I2C Encoder Settings =========================
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
  *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
@@ -1343,6 +1343,6 @@
   // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Cartesio/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Cartesio/Configuration_adv.h
index 81cf8e290a..7aee917f1f 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Cartesio/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Cartesio/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1255,4 +1255,87 @@
   #define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Felix/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Felix/Configuration_adv.h
index ac5bdb51ce..0482c91522 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Felix/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Felix/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1255,4 +1255,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/FolgerTech-i3-2020/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/FolgerTech-i3-2020/Configuration_adv.h
index 282fdf006f..d69e55e122 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/FolgerTech-i3-2020/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/FolgerTech-i3-2020/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1268,4 +1268,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Hephestos/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Hephestos/Configuration_adv.h
index e2ed21f47d..ba118973c0 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Hephestos/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Hephestos/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1255,4 +1255,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Hephestos_2/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Hephestos_2/Configuration_adv.h
index c70eb7c28a..c786d941de 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Hephestos_2/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Hephestos_2/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1238,4 +1238,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/K8200/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/K8200/Configuration_adv.h
index 82d8adbadf..1b99078725 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/K8200/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/K8200/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1268,4 +1268,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/K8400/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/K8400/Configuration_adv.h
index a49c7d51bd..81b5f8bfa0 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/K8400/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/K8400/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1255,4 +1255,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/M150/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/M150/Configuration_adv.h
index a8379526fd..f80078a3c4 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/M150/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/M150/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1262,4 +1262,87 @@
   #define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/RigidBot/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/RigidBot/Configuration_adv.h
index 2bfdef25f0..8003884c46 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/RigidBot/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/RigidBot/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1255,4 +1255,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/SCARA/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/SCARA/Configuration_adv.h
index 14fb68220f..252d47e1eb 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/SCARA/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/SCARA/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1255,4 +1255,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/TAZ4/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/TAZ4/Configuration_adv.h
index c11677a8bd..ce7846a7eb 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/TAZ4/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/TAZ4/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1255,4 +1255,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/TinyBoy2/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/TinyBoy2/Configuration_adv.h
index 20c2e79f85..e1d2342c1c 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/TinyBoy2/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/TinyBoy2/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1258,4 +1258,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/WITBOX/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/WITBOX/Configuration_adv.h
index e2ed21f47d..ba118973c0 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/WITBOX/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/WITBOX/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1255,4 +1255,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/auto_calibrate/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/auto_calibrate/Configuration_adv.h
index a8a30eabd4..219e1dc305 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/auto_calibrate/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/auto_calibrate/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1260,4 +1260,87 @@
   #define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h
index 3e27eab9d9..b7af3e93ad 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1259,4 +1259,87 @@
   #define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/generic/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/generic/Configuration_adv.h
index f7d78f310e..67e62445b1 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/generic/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/generic/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1257,4 +1257,87 @@
   #define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h
index f7d78f310e..67e62445b1 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1257,4 +1257,87 @@
   #define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_pro/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_pro/Configuration_adv.h
index 7f52481171..0cc65d57eb 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_pro/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_pro/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1262,4 +1262,87 @@
   #define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_xl/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_xl/Configuration_adv.h
index 41ceff3826..f7ea0949e4 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_xl/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_xl/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1257,4 +1257,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/gCreate_gMax1.5+/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/gCreate_gMax1.5+/Configuration_adv.h
index 4354d717ac..4481edd1fc 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/gCreate_gMax1.5+/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/gCreate_gMax1.5+/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1264,4 +1264,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/makibox/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/makibox/Configuration_adv.h
index f6517a6c15..d69b043d76 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/makibox/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/makibox/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1255,4 +1255,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/tvrrug/Round2/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/tvrrug/Round2/Configuration_adv.h
index a6ab735e58..9f95e0d763 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/tvrrug/Round2/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/tvrrug/Round2/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1255,4 +1255,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/wt150/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/wt150/Configuration_adv.h
index 171f4c3b77..72f73f7bb4 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/wt150/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/wt150/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -1258,4 +1258,87 @@
   //#define USER_GCODE_5 "G28\nM503"
+//====================== I2C Position Encoder Settings ======================
+ *  I2C position encoders for closed loop control.
+ *  Developed by Chris Barr at Aus3D.
+ *
+ *  Wiki: http://wiki.aus3d.com.au/Magnetic_Encoder
+ *  Github: https://github.com/Aus3D/MagneticEncoder
+ *
+ *  Supplier: http://aus3d.com.au/magnetic-encoder-module
+ *  Alternative Supplier: http://reliabuild3d.com/
+ *
+ *  Reilabuild encoders have been modified to improve reliability.
+ */
+  #define I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT         1                       // The number of encoders installed; max of 5
+                                                            // encoders supported currently.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X     // I2C address of the encoder. 30-200.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_AXIS          X_AXIS                  // Axis the encoder module is installed on.  <X|Y|Z|E>_AXIS.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR   // Type of encoder:  I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR -or-
+                                                            // I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_UNIT    2048                    // 1024 for magnetic strips with 2mm poles; 2048 for
+                                                            // 1mm poles. For linear encoders this is ticks / mm,
+                                                            // for rotary encoders this is ticks / revolution.
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_TICKS_REV     (16 * 200)            // Only needed for rotary encoders; number of stepper
+                                                            // steps per full revolution (motor steps/rev * microstepping)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_1_INVERT                              // Invert the direction of axis travel.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_METHOD     I2CPE_ECM_NONE          // Type of error error correction.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_1_EC_THRESH     0.10                    // Threshold size for error (in mm) above which the
+                                                            // printer will attempt to correct the error; errors
+                                                            // smaller than this are ignored to minimize effects of
+                                                            // measurement noise / latency (filter).
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y     // Same as above, but for encoder 2.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_AXIS          Y_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TYPE          I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_UNIT    2048
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_TICKS_REV   (16 * 200)
+  //#define I2CPE_ENC_2_INVERT
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_2_EC_THRESH     0.10
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z     // Encoder 3.  Add additional configuration options
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_3_AXIS          Z_AXIS                  // as above, or use defaults below.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_ADDR          I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E     // Encoder 4.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_4_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_ADDR          34                      // Encoder 5.
+  #define I2CPE_ENC_5_AXIS          E_AXIS
+  // Default settings for encoders which are enabled, but without settings configured above.
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TYPE            I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT  2048
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV       (16 * 200)
+  #define I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH       0.1
+  //#define I2CPE_ERR_THRESH_ABORT  100.0                   // Threshold size for error (in mm) error on any given
+                                                            // axis after which the printer will abort. Comment out to
+                                                            // disable abort behaviour.
+  #define I2CPE_TIME_TRUSTED        10000                   // After an encoder fault, there must be no further fault
+                                                            // for this amount of time (in ms) before the encoder
+                                                            // is trusted again.
+  /**
+   * Position is checked every time a new command is executed from the buffer but during long moves,
+   * this setting determines the minimum update time between checks. A value of 100 works well with
+   * error rolling average when attempting to correct only for skips and not for vibration.
+   */
+  #define I2CPE_MIN_UPD_TIME_MS     100                     // Minimum time in miliseconds between encoder checks.
+  // Use a rolling average to identify persistant errors that indicate skips, as opposed to vibration and noise.