# WorkAdventure Map Starter Kit This is a starter kit to help you build your own map for [WorkAdventure](https://workadventu.re). ## Tools you will need In order to build your own map for WorkAdventure, you need: - the [Tiled editor](https://www.mapeditor.org/) software - "tiles" (i.e. images) to create your map (this starter kit provides a good default tileset for offices) - a web-server to serve your map (this starter kit proposes to use Github static pages as a web-server which is both free and performant) ## Getting started On the [Github repository page](https://github.com/thecodingmachine/workadventure-map-starter-kit), click the **"Use this template"** button. You will be prompted to enter a repository name for your map. ![](docs/create_repo.png) Be sure to keep the repository "Public". In your newly created repository, click on the **Settings tab** and scroll down to the **GitHub Pages** section. Then select the **gh-pages** branch. ![](docs/github_pages.png) Wait a few minutes a Github will deploy a new website with the content of the repository. The address of the website is visible in the "GitHub Pages" section. ![](docs/website_address.png) Click on the link. You should be redirected directly to WorkAdventure, on your map! ## Customizing your map Your map is now up and online. You need to customize it. ### Cloning the map Start by cloning the map. If you are used to Git and GitHub, simply clone the map to your computer using your preferred tool and [jump to the next chapter](#loading-the-map-in-tiled). If you are new to Git, cloning the map means downloading the map to your computer. To do this, you will need Git, or a Git compatible tool. Our advice is to use [GitHub Desktop](https://desktop.github.com/). TODO: test and continue ### Loading the map in Tiled The sample map is in the file `map.json`. You can load this file in [Tiled](https://www.mapeditor.org/). Now, it's up to you to edit the map and write your own map. Some resources regarding Tiled: - [Tiled documentation](https://doc.mapeditor.org/en/stable/manual/introduction/) - [Tiled video tutorials](https://www.gamefromscratch.com/post/2015/10/14/Tiled-Map-Editor-Tutorial-Series.aspx) ### About WorkAdventu.re maps In order to design a map that will be readable by WorkAdventure, you will have to respect some constraints. In particular, you will need to: - set a start position for the players - configure the "floor layer" (so that WorkAdventure can correctly display characters above the floor, but under the ceiling) - eventually, you can place exits that link to other maps All this is described in the [WorkAdventure documentation](https://github.com/thecodingmachine/workadventure/#designing-a-map). Please be sure to check it out. ### Pushing the map When your changes are ready, you need to "commit" and "push" the changes back to GitHub. Just wait a few minutes, and your map will be propagated automatically to the GitHub pages web-server. TODO: describe how to push