from io import StringIO import importlib.resources from pyinfra import host from pyinfra.api.deploy import deploy from pyinfra.operations import files, server, apt, systemd from pyinfra.facts.deb import DebPackages from pyinfra_acmetool import deploy_acmetool def deploy_nginx(): if not host.get_fact(DebPackages): raise DeployError(("Can't deploy prerequisites on non-deb system")) apt.update(cache_time=3600 * 24) apt.packages( name = "Install nginx-extras", packages = ["nginx-extras"], ) def add_nginx_domain(domain: str, config_path: str = None, proxy_port: int = None, enabled=True, acmetool=True): """Let a domain be handled by nginx, create a Let's Encrypt certificate for it, and deploy the config. :param domain: the domain of the website :param config_path: the local path to the nginx config file :param proxy_port: proxy_pass all HTTP traffic to some internal port :param enabled: whether the site should be enabled at /etc/nginx/sites-enabled :param acmetool: whether acmetool should fetch TLS certs for the domain """ default_config_link = path="/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default", present=False ) need_restart = default_config_link.changed if acmetool: deploy_acmetool(nginx_hook=True, domains=[domain]) if enabled: if config_path: config = files.put( src=config_path, dest=f"/etc/nginx/sites-available/{domain}", user="root", group="root", mode="644", ) elif proxy_port: config = files.template( src=importlib.resources.files(__package__) / "proxy_pass.nginx_config.j2", dest=f"/etc/nginx/sites-available/{domain}", user="root", group="root", mode="644", domain=domain, proxy_port=proxy_port, ) config_link = path=f"/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{domain}", target=f"/etc/nginx/sites-available/{domain}", user="root", group="root", present=enabled, ) if config.changed or config_link.changed: need_restart = True systemd.service( name="NGINX should be enabled and running", service="nginx.service", running=True, enabled=True, restarted=need_restart, )