diff --git a/content/posts/program.md b/content/posts/program.md
index 93fa81b..2ec6cba 100644
--- a/content/posts/program.md
+++ b/content/posts/program.md
@@ -168,19 +168,21 @@ Just put it there and take another plant or take a cutting of another plant sitt
 We will have some pots and substrates there to try out.
 We will also have some liquid plant feed concentrate that you can dilute, mix and take home (I accidentally bought more than I could ever use, SO TAKE IT, ITS FREE).
-Please bring some kind of bottle (e.g. empty club mate).
+Please bring some kind of bottle to fill the fertilizer in.
 If you have any plant or IT security-related questions, I will be there to answer them :)
 ### Workshop@Plant Station: Let's touch grass - How to house plant propagation and care (panda)
 Saturday 13:30-14:30
-- You want to build a plant watering system, but have no plant to build it for?
+- You want to get started with plants are overwhelmed?
+- You want to build an automated plant watering system, but have no plant to build it for?
 - Your plants just always die and you don't know why?
 - You want to stick it to big plant* and get free cuttings?
 I got you baby.
+I will teach you the basics in house plant care and propagation with different types of plants.
 I will bring plants, substrate and scissors and you will need to find a way to take your free cuttings back home.
 \*you know, because your cuttings will be small plants hehe