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#!/usr/bin/env python
2017-06-17 13:24:36 +00:00
__author__ = "b3yond"
import twitter
from time import sleep
2017-06-17 13:24:36 +00:00
How to get these keys is described in doc/twitter_api.md
2017-06-17 13:24:36 +00:00
After you received keys, store them in ../../api_keys, one at a line.
with open("../../api_keys", "r") as file:
keys = file.readlines()
for i in keys:
print i,
2017-06-17 13:24:36 +00:00
# create an Api object
api = twitter.Api(consumer_key = keys[0].strip(),
consumer_secret = keys[1].strip(),
access_token_key = keys[2].strip(),
access_token_secret = keys[3].strip())
# This counter is needed to keep track which was the last tweet you retweeted
last_rt = ""
# Words which have to be included into the tweets for the tweet to get retweeted
with open("../triggerwords.txt", "r") as file:
triggers = file.readlines()
while 1:
# Store all mentions in a list of Status Objects
mentions = api.GetMentions(since_id=last_rt)
print mentions
for i in mentions:
print i.user.name, i.user.id, i.text # debug
# Is the Text of the Tweet in the triggerlist?
for j in triggers:
if i.text.lower().find(j):
# Retweet status, save the id so it doesn't get crawled again
feedback = api.PostRetweet(i.id)
print feedback
except twitter.error.TwitterError:
print("[ERROR] probably you already retweeted this tweet.")
last_rt = i.id