% rebase('template/wrapper.tpl') <a href="/logout/"><button>Logout</button></a> % if enabled: <div id="enablebutton" style="float: right; padding: 2em;">Disable</div> % else: <div id="enablebutton" style="float: right; padding: 2em;" color="red">Enable</div> % end <% # import all the settings templates from bots/*/settings.tpl import os bots = os.listdir('bots') for bot in bots: include('bots/' + bot + '/settings.tpl', csrf=csrf, city=city) end %> <div> <h2>Edit your city page</h2> <p> With your bot, we generated you a page, which you can use for promotion: <a href="/city/{{city}}" target="_blank">Ticketfrei {{city}}</a> You can change what your users will read there, and adjust it to your needs. </p> <p> <b>You should definitely adjust the Social Media, E-Mail, and Telegram profile links.</b> Also consider adding this link to the text: <a href="/city/mail/{{city}}" target="_blank">Link to the mail subscription page</a>. Your readers can use this to subscribe to mail notifications. </p> <p> So this is the default text we suggest: </p> <form action="/settings/markdown" method="post"> <textarea id="markdown" rows="20" cols="70" name="markdown" wrap="physical">{{markdown}}</textarea> <input name='csrf' value='{{csrf}}' type='hidden' /> <input name='confirm' value='Save' type='submit'/> </form> </div> <div> <h2>Edit your trigger patterns</h2> <p> These words have to be contained in a report. If none of these expressions is in the report, it will be ignored by the bot. You can use the defaults, or enter some expressions specific to your city and language. </p> <form action="/settings/goodlist" method="post"> <textarea id="goodlist" rows="8" cols="70" name="goodlist" wrap="physical">{{triggerwords}}</textarea> <input name='csrf' value='{{csrf}}' type='hidden' /> <input name='confirm' value='Submit' type='submit'/> </form> </div> <div> <h2>Edit the blocklist</h2> <p> These words are not allowed in reports. If you encounter spam, you can add more here - the bot will ignore reports which use such words. There are words which you can't exclude from the blocklist, e.g. certain racist, sexist, or antisemitic slurs. </p> <form action="/settings/blocklist" method="post"> <textarea id="blocklist" rows="8" cols="70" name="blocklist" wrap="physical">{{badwords}}</textarea> <input name='csrf' value='{{csrf}}' type='hidden' /> <input name='confirm' value='Submit' type='submit'/> </form> </div>