diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 986746f..f519aec 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Note that atm the good- & blacklist are still outside of ticketfrei.cfg, in sepa
 * write the muted people to the db, to easily undo the mutes if necessary.
 ## to do
 - [x] Twitter: Crawl mentions
 - [x] Mastodon: Crawl mentions
 - [ ] Write toots/tweets to database/log
diff --git a/blacklist b/blacklist/nbg_blacklist
similarity index 100%
rename from blacklist
rename to blacklist/nbg_blacklist
diff --git a/goodlist b/goodlist/nbg_goodlist
similarity index 100%
rename from goodlist
rename to goodlist/nbg_goodlist
diff --git a/retweetbot.py b/retweetbot.py
index 0463d62..17b3f1a 100644
--- a/retweetbot.py
+++ b/retweetbot.py
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ class RetweetBot(object):
     last_mention: the ID of the last tweet which mentioned you
-    def __init__(self, trigger,
-                 keypath="appkeys/ticketfrei@twitter.com",
+    def __init__(self, trigger, config,
@@ -29,11 +28,11 @@ class RetweetBot(object):
         Initializes the bot and loads all the necessary data.
-        :param keypath: Path to the file with API keys
         :param historypath: Path to the file with ID of the last retweeted Tweet
         :param triggerpath: Path to the file of the triggerwords
-        keys = self.get_api_keys(keypath)
+        self.config = config
+        keys = self.get_api_keys()
         self.api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=keys[0],
@@ -46,25 +45,26 @@ class RetweetBot(object):
         self.triggers = self.get_trigger(self.triggerpath)
         self.trigger = trigger
-    def get_api_keys(self, path):
+    def get_api_keys(self):
         How to get these keys is described in doc/twitter_api.md
-        After you received keys, store them in ../appkeys/appname@service.tld, one at a line:
-        consumer_key
-        consumer_secret
-        access_token_key
-        access_token_secret
+        After you received keys, store them in your ticketfrei.cfg like this:
+        [tapp]
+        consumer_key = "..."
+        consumer_secret = "..."
+        [tuser]
+        access_token_key = "..."
+        access_token_secret = "..."
         :return: keys: list of these 4 strings.
         keys = []
-        try:
-            with open(path, "r") as f:
-                keys = [s.strip() for s in f.readlines()]
-        except IOError:
-            print "[ERROR] You didn't specify Twitter API oAuth keys. Look into the documentation."
-            exit(-1)
+        keys.append(self.config['tapp']['consumer_key'])
+        keys.append(self.config['tapp']['consumer_secret'])
+        keys.append(self.config['tuser']['access_token_key'])
+        keys.append(self.config['tuser']['access_token_secret'])
         return keys
     def get_history(self, path):
diff --git a/ticketfrei.cfg.example b/ticketfrei.cfg.example
index e9277f7..785b229 100644
--- a/ticketfrei.cfg.example
+++ b/ticketfrei.cfg.example
@@ -7,19 +7,15 @@ email = 'youremail@server.tld'
 password = 'yourpassword'
 server = 'yourmastodoninstance'
+consumer_key = "709823example98n4cnc098rnnsc98nec"
+consumer_secret = "09muvs098u08m9examplevsum098mu"
-consumer_key = "70982398n4cnc098rnnsc98nec"
-consumer_secret = "09muvs098u08m9vsum098mu"
-access_token_key = "u098umgfres09ug-f7n60cwhxm12"
-access_token_secret = "8708mj9ßc298m343333333tex"
+access_token_key = "u098umgfres09ugexa-mplef7n60cwhxm12"
+access_token_secret = "8708mj9ßc298m34333example3333tex"
-zu spät
+goodlist_path = "goodlist/"
+blacklist_path = "blacklist/"
diff --git a/trigger.py b/trigger.py
index 3a4fe2b..7be2246 100644
--- a/trigger.py
+++ b/trigger.py
@@ -1,28 +1,38 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 __encoding__ = "utf-8"
+import os
+import pytoml as toml
 class Trigger(object):
     This class provides a filter to test a string against.
-    def __init__(self, config, goodlistpath="goodlist", blacklistpath="blacklist"):
+    def __init__(self, config):
         self.config = config
-        self.goodlistpath = goodlistpath
-        with open(goodlistpath, "r+") as f:
-            self.goodlist = [s.strip() for s in f.readlines()]
-        for word in config["goodlist"]:
-            self.goodlist.append(word)
+        self.goodlistpath = config['trigger']['goodlist_path']
+        self.goodlist = self.get_lists(self.goodlistpath)
         self.goodlist = self.strings_ok(self.goodlist)
-        self.blacklistpath = blacklistpath
-        with open(blacklistpath, "r+") as f:
-            self.blacklist = [s.strip() for s in f.readlines()]
-        for word in config["blacklist"]:
-            self.blacklist.append(word)
+        self.blacklistpath = config['trigger']['blacklist_path']
+        self.blacklist = self.get_lists(self.blacklistpath)
         self.blacklist = self.strings_ok(self.blacklist)
+    def get_lists(self, path):
+        """
+        pass a folder with text files in it. each line in the files becomes a filter word.
+        :param path: path to folder whose files shall be added to the set
+        :return: set of trigger words.
+        """
+        trigger_words = set()
+        for filename in os.listdir(path):
+            with open(path + filename, "r+") as f:
+                [trigger_words.add(s.strip()) for s in f.readlines()]
+        return trigger_words
     def strings_ok(self, filterlist):
         Checks if an empty line is in a list and removes it.
@@ -50,11 +60,11 @@ class Trigger(object):
                 return True
         return False
-    def update_list(self, word, whichlist):
+    def add_to_list(self, word, whichlist):
         :param word: a string of a word which should be appended to one of the lists
-        :param boolean whichlist: 0 : goodlist, 1 : badlist.
+        :param boolean whichlist: 0 : goodlist, 1 : blacklist.
         if whichlist:
             path = self.goodlistpath
@@ -66,4 +76,20 @@ class Trigger(object):
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    pass
+    with open("ticketfrei.cfg", "r") as configfile:
+        config = toml.load(configfile)
+    print "testing the trigger"
+    trigger = Trigger(config)
+    print "Printing words which trigger the bot:"
+    for i in trigger.goodlist:
+        print i
+    print
+    print "Printing words which block a bot:"
+    for i in trigger.blacklist:
+        print i
+    print