fixing the last few issues #51

opened 2019-06-10 09:49:03 +00:00 by b3yond · 1 comment

Author: @b3yond Posted at: 11.10.2018 20:30

The last few issues got fixed. Twitter DMs still don't work, but it's not our fault. We could release now, I guess. But let's first build this into a container and test more of it, and then apply the 2.0.0 tag.

Author: @b3yond Posted at: 11.10.2018 20:30 The last few issues got fixed. Twitter DMs still don't work, but it's not our fault. We could release now, I guess. But let's first build this into a container and test more of it, and then apply the 2.0.0 tag.
b3yond added this to the Multi-instance deployment milestone 2019-06-10 09:49:03 +00:00

Author: @b3yond Posted at: 13.10.2018 16:38

#39 is not a blocker. Let's release the shit out of this.

Author: @b3yond Posted at: 13.10.2018 16:38 #39 is not a blocker. Let's release the shit out of this.
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Reference: b3yond/ticketfrei#51
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