Rename ticketfrei.cfg to config.toml #6

opened 2019-06-10 09:48:14 +00:00 by b3yond · 0 comments

Author: @b3yond Posted at: 29.12.2017 17:32

When you use autocomplete on the command line, you easily confuse, ticketfrei.cfg and ticketfrei.cfg.example.

Renaming the config file to config.toml reduces confusion. Also it is more informative about the format of the config (toml).

Author: @b3yond Posted at: 29.12.2017 17:32 When you use autocomplete on the command line, you easily confuse, ticketfrei.cfg and ticketfrei.cfg.example. Renaming the config file to config.toml reduces confusion. Also it is more informative about the format of the config (toml).
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Reference: b3yond/ticketfrei#6
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