# Magic There are a lot of words which can be used to describe a spell. These words are then interpreted by the computer, who creates an effect. A working spell has these components: Target Effect Intensity Condition Probability If the caster doesn't specify all criteria, the computer decides what exactly happens and how the rest is computed. Every spell also costs Mana Points, which are calculated out of the effect of the resulting spell. Every spell word costs as much APs, as much syllables it has. # Vocabulary other words: Not much few done! (0 AP) intensity words: much few wide one three five ten 75 50 40 20 100 1000 full probability words: rarely, but sure often never (fuck yeah, double negation) target words: me human wolf angel vampire police people effect words: heal burn sleep stun damage siphon life death calm forget conjure morph/unmorph condition words: life melee stunned all # Grammar the order of the words has to be: probability effect condition target intensity done! other words have to be related to some of these, and then always have to be before their relation word. all human not me possible sentences are: sure burn all human much sleep three police three stun police melee wrong sentences are: human sleep # before effect can only be a probability word, no target. much heal me # much isn't a intensity word at that place and can't be related to heal.