.. module:: sdl2.ext :synopsis: Python extensions for SDL2 sdl2.ext - Python extensions for SDL2 ===================================== The :mod:`sdl2.ext` package provides advanced functionality for creating applications using SDL2 and Python. It offers a rich set of modules, classes and functions, such as easy image loading, basic user interface elements, resource management and sprite and (on-screen) scene systems. Learn more about .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 sdl2ext_algorithms.rst sdl2ext_array.rst sdl2ext_color.rst sdl2ext_colorpalettes.rst sdl2ext_common.rst sdl2ext_compat.rst sdl2ext_draw.rst sdl2ext_ebs.rst sdl2ext_events.rst sdl2ext_font.rst sdl2ext_gui.rst sdl2ext_image.rst sdl2ext_particles.rst sdl2ext_pixelaccess.rst sdl2ext_resources.rst sdl2ext_sprite.rst sdl2ext_surface.rst sdl2ext_window.rst