.. currentmodule:: sdl2.ext Window routines to manage on-screen windows =========================================== .. class:: Window(title : string, size : iterable[, position=None[, flags=None]]) The Window class represents a visible on-screen object with an optional border and *title* text. It represents an area on the screen that can be accessed by the application for displaying graphics and receive and process user input. The position to show the Window at is undefined by default, letting the operating system or window manager pick the best location. The behaviour can be adjusted through the ``DEFAULTPOS`` class variable. :: Window.DEFAULTPOS = (10, 10) The created Window is hidden by default, which can be overridden at the time of creation by providing other SDL window flags through the *flags* parameter. The default flags for creating Window instances can be adjusted through the ``DEFAULTFLAGS`` class variable. :: Window.DEFAULTFLAGS = sdl2.SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN .. attribute:: window The used :class:`sdl2.SDL_Window`. .. attribute:: title The title of the :class:`Window`. .. attribute:: size The size of the :class:`Window`. .. method:: show() -> None Show the :class:`Window` on the display. .. method:: hide() -> None Hide the :class:`Window`. .. method:: maximize() -> None Maximizes the :class:`Window` to the display's dimensions. .. method:: minimize() -> None Minimizes the :class:`Window` to an iconified state in the system tray. .. method:: refresh() -> None Refreshes the entire :class:`Window` surface. .. note:: This only needs to be called, if a SDL_Surface was acquired via :meth:`get_surface()` and is used to display contents. .. method:: get_surface() -> SDL_Surface Gets the :class:`sdl2.SDL_Surface` used by the :class:`Window` to display 2D pixel data. .. note:: Using this method will make the usage of GL operations, such as texture handling or the usage of SDL renderers impossible.