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.. currentmodule:: sdl2.ext
Text rendering routines
.. class:: BitmapFont(surface : Sprite, size : iterable[, mapping=None)
A bitmap graphics to character mapping. The :class:`BitmapFont` class
uses an image *surface* to find and render font character glyphs for
text. It requires a mapping table, which denotes the characters
available on the image.
The mapping table is a list of strings, where each string reflects a
*line* of characters on the image. Each character within each line
has the same size as specified by the size argument.
A typical mapping table might look like ::
[ '0123456789',
'uvwxyz ',
',;.:!?+-()' ]
.. attribute:: surface
The :class:`sdl2.SDL_Surface` containing the character bitmaps.
.. attribute:: offsets
A dict containing the character offsets on the :attr:`surface`.
.. attribute:: mapping
The character mapping table, a list of strings.
.. attribute:: size
The size of an individual glyph bitmap on the font.
.. method:: render(text : string[, bpp=None]) -> Sprite
Renders the passed text on a new :class:`Sprite` and returns it.
If no explicit *bpp* are provided, the bpp settings of the
:attr:`.surface` are used.
.. method:: render_on(surface : Sprite, text : string[, \
offset=(0, 0)]) -> (int, int, int, int)
Renders a text on the passed sprite, starting at a specific
offset. The top-left start position of the text will be the
passed *offset* and a 4-value tuple with the changed area will be
.. method:: contains(c : string) -> bool
Checks, whether a certain character exists in the font.
.. method:: can_render(text : string) -> bool
Checks, whether all characters in the passed *text* can be rendered.
.. class:: FontManager(font_path : str[, alias=None[, size=16[, color=Color(255, 255, 255)[, bg_color=Color(0, 0, 0)[, index=0]]]]])
Manage fonts and rendering of text.
One font path must be given to initialise the FontManager.
:attr:`default_font` will be set to this font. *size* is the default
font size in pixels. *color* and *bg_color* will give the FontManager
a default color. *index* will select a specific font face from a file
containing multiple font faces. The first face is always at index 0. It can
be used for TTC (TrueType Font Collection) fonts.
.. attribute:: bg_color
The :class:`sdl2.ext.Color` to be used as background color.
.. attribute:: color
The :class:`sdl2.ext.Color` to be used for rendering text.
.. attribute:: default_font
Returns the name of the current default font being used by the
:class:`FontManager`. On assigning :attr:`default_font`,
the value must be a loaded font alias.
.. attribute:: size
The default font size in pixels.
.. method:: add(font_path : str[, alias=None[, size=None[, index=0]]])) -> sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_Font
Add a font to the :class:`FontManager`. *alias* is by default the
font name, any other name can be passed, *size* is the font size
in pixels and defaults to :attr:`size`. *index* selects a specific font
face from a TTC (TrueType Font Collection) file. Returns the font pointer
stored in :attr:`fonts`.
.. method:: close()
Closes all fonts used by the :class:`FontManager`.
.. method:: render(text : str[, alias=None[, size=None[, width=None[, color=None[, bg_color=None[, **kwargs]]]]]]) -> sdl2.SDL_Surface
Renders text to a surface. This method uses the font designated by
the passed *alias* or, if *alias* is omitted, by the set
:attr:`default_font`. A *size* can be passed even if the font was
not loaded with this size. A *width* can be given for automatic line
wrapping. If no *bg_color* or *color* are given, it will default to
the FontManager's :attr:`bg_color` and :attr:`color`.