#! /bin/bash function usage { echo "Usage: $ ./fax.sh where has to be a german faxline number $ ./fax.sh -handle Asks Letterhead's address database for 's fax number. $ ./fax.sh -help Print this Message and exit" exit 1 } function abort { echo "Letterhead API not available" exit 1 } BASEPATH=$(dirname $(realpath $0)) . $BASEPATH/.env #Parsing Parameters: unset $GETOPT_COMPATIBLE ARGV=$(getopt -n "$0" -a -o "" -l "help,handle:" -- "$@") if [ $? -ne 0 ] then usage fi eval set -- "$ARGV" REC0= #Now we have $@ clean and tidy and begin parsing while : do case "$1" in "--help") usage ;; "--handle") $LETTERHEAD_PATH/Adressen/address.sh -l > /dev/null || abort REC0=$($LETTERHEAD_PATH/Adressen/address.sh -f $2 2>\dev\null | sed 's: ::g') shift shift ;; "--") shift break ;; esac done #Check if you have enough parameters if [ -z $REC0 ] then REC0=$2 fi if [[ -z $REC0 || -z $1 ]] then usage fi . $BASEPATH/authorization.sh #Prepare fax credentials: FILE=$1 echo -n "Sending file ${FILE} " REC=$(echo "$REC0" | sed -e 's:[^+0-9]::g' -e 's:^0\([1-9]\):+49\1:') echo "to $REC" #Checking for file size: if [ ! -e $FILE ] then echo "File not found" exit 2 fi SIZE=$(stat -c%s "$FILE") if [ $SIZE -gt 10485760 ] then echo "File too big. Cannot be more than 10MB." exit 2 fi if hash gs 2>/dev/null then PAGES=$(gs -q -dNODISPLAY -dNOSAFER -c "($FILE) (r) file runpdfbegin pdfpagecount = quit" 2>&1) if [ $PAGES -gt 30 ] then echo "Sipgate won't send your file, because it has more than 30 pages" exit 2 fi else echo "ghostscript not installed, cannot check for page numbers. Sipgate accepts up to 30 pages." fi #Needs to be base64 encoded: CONTENT=$(base64 "$FILE" -w 0) if [ -z "$CONTENT" ]; then echo "Encoding failed" exit 2 fi #save payload to tempfile to prevent curl from throwing 'argument list too long' error. echo '{"faxlineId":"f0", "recipient":"'${REC}'", "filename":"fax.pdf", "base64Content":"'${CONTENT}'"}' > /tmp/sipgatedata.txt #Send fax REPLY=$(curl --request POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" --data @/tmp/sipgatedata.txt "https://api.sipgate.com/v2/sessions/fax" -s) FAXID=$(echo $REPLY | jq '.sessionId' | sed -e 's:"::g' ) echo $REPLY > /tmp/sipgatereply.txt #remove tempfile rm /tmp/sipgatedata.txt if [ -z $FAXID ] then echo "Something went wrong, I didn't receive some fax id back." exit 2 else echo "Sipgate took your fax as sessionID $FAXID" echo "$FAXID" >> $BASEPATH/.fax_history fi #Check if fax request was accepted by sipgate curl --request GET --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" "https://api.sipgate.com/v2/history/$FAXID" -s | jq '.faxStatusType' #And show the account balance . $BASEPATH/getbalance.sh