% rebase('template/wrapper.tpl') % if enabled:
% else: % endIf you have a Telegram account, you can register a bot there. Just write to @botfather. There are detailed instructions on Bots for Telegram.
The botfather will give you an API key - with the API key, Ticketfrei can use the Telegram bot. Enter it here:
With your bot, we generated you a page, which you can use for promotion: Ticketfrei {{city}} You can change what your users will read there, and adjust it to your needs.
You should definitely adjust the Social Media, E-Mail, and Telegram profile links. Also consider adding this link to the text: Link to the mail subscription page. Your readers can use this to subscribe to mail notifications.
So this is the default text we suggest:
There is also a page where users can subscribe to mail notifications: Ticketfrei {{city}}. You can change what your users will read there, and adjust it to your needs.
So this is the default text we suggest:
These words have to be contained in a report. If none of these expressions is in the report, it will be ignored by the bot. You can use the defaults, or enter some expressions specific to your city and language.
These words are not allowed in reports. If you encounter spam, you can add more here - the bot will ignore reports which use such words. There are words which you can't exclude from the blocklist, e.g. certain racist, sexist, or antisemitic slurs.