<head> <title>Ticketfrei</title> <link rel='stylesheet' href='/static/css/style.css'> <meta name='og:title' content='Settings - Ticketfrei'/> <meta name='og:description' content='A bot against control society! Nobody should have to pay for public transport. Find out where ticket controllers are!'/> <meta name='og:image' content="https://ticketfrei.links-tech.org/static/img/ticketfrei-og-image.png"/> <meta name='og:image:alt' content='Ticketfrei'/> <meta name='og:type' content='website' /> </head> <body> <div class="area"> <h1><a href="/"><img src="/static/img/ticketfrei_logo.png" alt="Ticketfrei" height="150px" align="center" style="float: none;"></a></h1> <div id="enablebutton" style="float: right; padding: 2em;">asdf</div> <a class='button' style="padding: 1.5em;" href="/login/twitter"> <picture> <source type='image/webp' sizes='20px' srcset="/static-cb/1517673283/twitter-20.webp 20w,/static-cb/1517673283/twitter-40.webp 40w,/static-cb/1517673283/twitter-80.webp 80w,"/> <source type='image/png' sizes='20px' srcset="/static-cb/1517673283/twitter-20.png 20w,/static-cb/1517673283/twitter-40.png 40w,/static-cb/1517673283/twitter-80.png 80w,"/> <img src="https://codl.forget.fr/static-cb/1517673283/twitter-20.png" alt="" /> </picture> Log in with Twitter </a> <section style="padding: 1.5em;"> <h2>Log in with Mastodon</h2> <p> <form action="/login/mastodon" method='post'> <label>Mastodon instance: <input type='text' name='instance_url' list='instances' placeholder='social.example.net'/> </label> <datalist id='instances'> <option value=''> <option value='anticapitalist.party'> <option value='awoo.space'> <option value='cybre.space'> <option value='mastodon.social'> <option value='glitch.social'> <option value='botsin.space'> <option value='witches.town'> <option value='social.wxcafe.net'> <option value='monsterpit.net'> <option value='mastodon.xyz'> <option value='a.weirder.earth'> <option value='chitter.xyz'> <option value='sins.center'> <option value='dev.glitch.social'> <option value='computerfairi.es'> <option value='niu.moe'> <option value='icosahedron.website'> <option value='hostux.social'> <option value='hyenas.space'> <option value='instance.business'> <option value='mastodon.sdf.org'> <option value='pawoo.net'> <option value='pouet.it'> <option value='scalie.business'> <option value='sleeping.town'> <option value='social.koyu.space'> <option value='sunshinegardens.org'> <option value='vcity.network'> <option value='octodon.social'> <option value='soc.ialis.me'> </datalist> <input name='confirm' value='Log in' type='submit'/> </form> </p> </section> <!-- offer mailing list creation button --> <div style="float: left; padding: 1.5em;"> <!-- good list entry field --> <p> These words have to be contained in a report. If none of these expressions is in the report, it will be ignored by the bot. You can use the defaults, or enter some expressions specific to your city and language. </p> <form action="/settings/goodlist" method="post"> <!-- find a way to display current good list. js which reads from a cookie? template? --> <textarea id="goodlist" rows="8" cols="70" name="goodlist" wrap="physical"></textarea> <input name='confirm' value='Submit' type='submit'/> </form> </div> <!-- blacklist entry field --> <div style="float:right; padding: 1.5em;"> <p> These words are not allowed in reports. If you encounter spam, you can add more here - the bot will ignore reports which use such words. <!-- There are words which you can't exclude from the blacklist, e.g. certain racist, sexist, or antisemitic slurs. (to be implemented) --> </p> <form action="/settings/blacklist" method="post"> <!-- find a way to display current blacklist. js which reads from a cookie? template? --> <textarea id="blacklist" rows="8" cols="70" name="blacklist" wrap="physical"></textarea> <input name='confirm' value='Submit' type='submit'/> </form> </div> <script src="/static/js/functions.js"></script> <div class=footer> Contribute on <a href="https://github.com/b3yond/ticketfrei">GitHub!</a> </div> </div> </body>