[mapp] name = 'yourcity_ticketfrei' # :todo: where do you receive the app name? [muser] email = 'youremail@server.tld' # E-mail address of your Mastodon account password = 'yourpassword' # Password of your Mastodon account server = 'yourmastodoninstance' # Instance where you have your Mastodon account [tapp] consumer_key = "OD0CLn6twBxHjN2DqMkKuSvli" consumer_secret = "XkvbViwjBWoWoJzIlseJLXmg2fqluq4HYqvwOwoSHGwxdTNi4l" shutdown_contact_userid = 801098086005243904 shutdown_contact_screen_name = 'links_tech' [tuser] access_token_key = "876046057721008128-J35moxFXUvLb24MnaMVbVpqiEtxBlcc" access_token_secret = "I7PQZMHuJDS5WslgUhqEeZbEWGhwLhmOetvwFoTn8YDKW" [mail] mailserver = "smtp.riseup.net" port = 587 user = "ticketfrei" passphrase = "sup3rs3cur3" # [trigger] # goodlists are one regex per line. # badlists are one badword per line. # a message musst match at least one regex in goodlist and contain none of the badwords. # the variables mention the directory where the lists are located, not the filenames. # goodlist_path = 'goodlists' # blacklist_path = 'blacklists'