import logging import pathlib import sys import pickledb import click import qrcode import deltachat from .bot import SetupPlugin, RelayPlugin def set_log_level(verbose: int, db: str): """Set log level; only call this function once, as it uses logging.basicConfig only. :param verbose: 0: WARNING, 1: INFO, 2: DEBUG :param db: the path to the delta chat database """ loglevel = logging.WARNING if verbose: loglevel = logging.INFO if verbose == 2: loglevel = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s:%(message)s", level=loglevel)"the delta chat database path is %s", db) @click.command( cls=click.Group, context_settings={"help_option_names": ["-h", "--help"]} ) @click.pass_context def teams_bot(ctx): """This bot connects your team to the outside and makes it addressable.""" @teams_bot.command() @click.option("--email", type=str, default=None, help="the email account for the bot") @click.option( "--password", type=str, default=None, help="the password of the email account" ) @click.option( "--dbdir", type=str, default="teams_bot_data", help="path to the bot's database", envvar="TEAMS_DBDIR" ) @click.option( "-v", "--verbose", count=True, help="show low level delta chat ffi events" ) @click.pass_context def init(ctx, email: str, password: str, dbdir: str, verbose: int): """Configure bot; create crew; add user to crew by scanning a QR code.""" dbdir = pathlib.Path(dbdir) delta_db = str(dbdir.joinpath("delta.sqlite")) pickle_path = dbdir.joinpath("pickle.db") kvstore = pickledb.load(pickle_path, True) set_log_level(verbose, delta_db) ac = deltachat.Account(delta_db) ac.run_account(addr=email, password=password, show_ffi=verbose) ac.set_config("mvbox_move", "1") ac.set_config("sentbox_watch", "0") crew_id_old = kvstore.get("crew_id") chat = ac.create_group_chat( "Team: {}".format(ac.get_config("addr")), contacts=[], verified=True ) setupplugin = SetupPlugin( ac.add_account_plugin(setupplugin) chatinvite = chat.get_join_qr() qr = qrcode.QRCode() qr.add_data(chatinvite) print( "\nPlease scan this qr code with Delta Chat to join the verified crew group:\n\n" ) qr.print_ascii(invert=True) print( "\nAlternatively, copy-paste this invite to your Delta Chat desktop client:", chatinvite, ) print("\nWaiting until you join the chat") sys.stdout.flush() # flush stdout to actually show the messages above setupplugin.member_added.wait() setupplugin.message_sent.clear() chat.send_text( "Welcome to the %s crew! Type /help to see the existing commands." % (ac.get_config("addr"),) ) print("Welcome message sent.") setupplugin.message_sent.wait() if crew_id_old: setupplugin.message_sent.clear() old_crew = ac.get_chat_by_id(crew_id_old) old_crew.set_name(f"Old Team: {ac.get_config('addr')}") new_crew = [contact.addr for contact in chat.get_contacts()] new_crew_emails = " or ".join(new_crew) quit_message = f"There is a new Group for the Team now; you can ask {new_crew_emails} to add you to it." logging.debug( "Sending quit message to old crew with ID %s: %s",, quit_message, ) try: old_crew.send_text(quit_message) setupplugin.outgoing_messages += 1 old_crew.remove_contact(ac.get_self_contact()) setupplugin.message_sent.wait() except ValueError as e: logging.warning("Could not notify the old crew: %s", str(e)) print("The old crew was deactivated.") sys.stdout.flush() # flush stdout to actually show the messages above ac.shutdown() kvstore.set("crew_id","Successfully changed crew ID to the new group.") @teams_bot.command() @click.option( "--dbdir", type=str, default="teams_bot_data", help="path to the bot's database", envvar="TEAMS_DBDIR" ) @click.option( "-v", "--verbose", count=True, help="show low level delta chat ffi events" ) @click.pass_context def run(ctx, dbdir: str, verbose: int): """Run the bot, so it relays messages between the crew and the outside.""" dbdir = pathlib.Path(dbdir) delta_db = str(dbdir.joinpath("delta.sqlite")) pickle_path = dbdir.joinpath("pickle.db") kvstore = pickledb.load(pickle_path, True) set_log_level(verbose, delta_db) ac = deltachat.Account(delta_db) display_name = ac.get_config("displayname") ac.run_account(account_plugins=[RelayPlugin(ac, kvstore)], show_ffi=verbose) ac.set_config("displayname", display_name) try: ac.wait_shutdown() except KeyboardInterrupt:"Received KeyboardInterrupt") print("Shutting down...") ac.shutdown() ac.wait_shutdown() def main(): teams_bot(auto_envvar_prefix="TEAMS") if __name__ == "__main__": main()