
91 lines
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Web Site:https://www.pep.security/
Source Code:https://download.pep.security/gitlist
# Issue Tracker:https://pep.foundation/trac/
# Changelog:https://www.pep.security/docs/release_notes_android.html
Auto Name:p≡p
Summary:Read and write encrypted e-mails
p≡p is a cyber security solution which protects the confidentiality and
reliability of communications for citizens, for public offices and for
enterprises. It provides end-to-end cryptography in all common crypto-standards
through the app that you install on your phone.
p≡p for Android makes e-mail encryption easy on mobile devices for everyone by
automatic and seamless integration of end-to-end encryption. Set it up with your
existing e-mail address under a minute. Send and receive as many messages as you
want without any restrictions on the number of devices the p≡p app runs on.
p≡p supports the user with advanced automation and is fully compatible with
* it will automatically encrypt your e-mail and attachments, including pictures
* it can ensure no one can intercept your perfectly encrypted e-mail
* it is peer-to-peer and uses no central service
* it works with all your existing e-mail account(s)
* it can authenticate your communication partner and prevent identity theft
* it offers security and privacy by default
p≡p is end-to-end and supports all commonly used Android devices.
p≡p is easy for your recipients too depending on their security capabilities,
they can exchange encrypted messages with you.
With p≡p, you dont need a separate account, you can send secure messages to
anyone anywhere, regardless of their email provider.
Just install the app and you can communicate in confidence with your peers.
Repo Type:git
# sed -i "s:.. -I../include:-I$(srcdir)/.. -I${ANDROID_NDK}/sysroot/usr/include/ -I${ANDROID_NDK}/sysroot/usr/include/arm-linux-androideabi/ -I../include:" $$pEpJNIAdapter$$/android/external/libiconv/libcharset/lib/Makefile && \
# sed -i 's:\(ICONV_PREFIX=$(LOCAL)\) \(./build.sh\):\1 bash \2:' $$pEpJNIAdapter$$/android/external/Makefile && \
# sed -i 's:include $(ANDROID_NDK_HOME)/\(toolchains/$(NDK_TOOLCHAIN)/setup.mk\):include $(ANDROID_NDK_HOME)/build/core/\1:' $$pEpJNIAdapter$$/android/external/Makefile && \
# -I$(NDK_SYSROOT)/usr/include -I$(NDK_SYSYROOT)/usr/include/$(HOST)
# sed -i -re 's:(libiconv/lib/.libs/libiconv.so\: libiconv/Makefile):\tsed -i "s\:_GL_WARN_ON_USE\:// _GL_WARN_ON_USE\:" libiconv/srclib/stdio.h\n\n\1:' $$pEpJNIAdapter$$/android/external/Makefile && \
prebuild=sed -i 's:file("../pEpJNIAdapter/android"):file("../srclib/pEpJNIAdapter/android"):' ../settings.gradle && \
sed -i "s/4.8/4.9/" $$pEpJNIAdapter$$/android/external/Makefile $$pEpJNIAdapter$$/android/jni/Application.mk $$pEpEngine$$/build-android/jni/Application.mk && \
sed -i 's:DANDROID:DANDROID -I$(ANDROID_NDK_HOME)/sysroot/usr/include -I$(ANDROID_NDK_HOME)/sysroot/usr/include/$(HOST):' $$pEpJNIAdapter$$/android/external/Makefile && \
sed -i "s:yml2proc:../$$yml2$$/yml2proc:" $$pEpJNIAdapter$$/src/Makefile && \
sed -i 's:env python:env python2:' $$yml2$$/yml2proc && \
sed -i "s:backend.includePath.extend(dirs):backend.includePath.extend(['$(realpath $$yml2$$)']):" $$yml2$$/yml2proc && \
sed -i 's:YML2_PATH=.*$:YML2_PATH=../$$yml2$$:' $$pEpEngine$$/default.conf && \
sed -i "s:/bin/sh:/bin/bash:" $$pEpEngine$$/build-android/build.sh && \
sed -i 's:ASN1C_INCLUDE=.*$:ASN1C_INCLUDE=/usr/share/asn1c:' $$pEpEngine$$/Makefile.conf && \
sed -i 's:-fcompound-names:-fcompound-names -fnative-types:' $$pEpEngine$$/asn.1/Makefile
Maintainer Notes:
Do not set AUM when srclibs tend to change!
Auto Update Mode:Version v%v
Auto Update Mode:None
Update Check Mode:Tags
Current Version:v1.0.100rc1
Current Version Code:2
# srclibs=pEpJNIAdapter@2ec9da619371,pEpEngine@5ca43900bc58,yml2@2.5.5
# prebuild=sed -i 's:file("../pEpJNIAdapter/android"):file("../srclib/pEpJNIAdapter/android"):' ../settings.gradle && \
# sed -i "s:yml2proc:../$$yml2$$/yml2proc:" $$pEpJNIAdapter$$/src/Makefile && \
# sed -i 's:env python:env python2:' $$yml2$$/yml2proc && \
# sed -i "s:backend.includePath.extend(dirs):backend.includePath.extend(['$(realpath $$yml2$$)']):" $$yml2$$/yml2proc && \
# sed -i 's:YML2PROC=.*$:YML2PROC=../$$yml2$$/yml2proc:;s:YML_PATH=.*$:YML_PATH=../$$yml2$$:' $$pEpEngine$$/Makefile.conf && \
# sed -i 's:ASN1C_INCLUDE=.*$:ASN1C_INCLUDE=/usr/share/asn1c:' $$pEpEngine$$/Makefile.conf && \
# sed -i 's:-fcompound-names:-fcompound-names -fnative-types:' $$pEpEngine$$/asn.1/Makefile
# ndk=r14b
# Update Check Mode: