2019-09-10 21:02:33 +00:00
- Multimedia
License: Apache-2.0
WebSite: https://gitlab.com/ymber/Eleven
SourceCode: https://gitlab.com/ymber/Eleven/tree/HEAD
IssueTracker: https://gitlab.com/ymber/Eleven/issues
Changelog: https://gitlab.com/ymber/Eleven/commits/HEAD
Donate: https://www.paypal.me/LineageOS
Bitcoin: 12aDckQC6YHEn75zReQWxXFCivBBNXfRjM
AutoName: Eleven
Summary: Default LineageOS music player
Description: |-
Music player with song, album, and artist sort and playlist support. Eleven is
the default music player for LineageOS. This build is built from modified
sources based on the Cyanogenmod 14.1 release of Eleven.
- versionName: '1.0'
versionCode: 1
commit: '1.0'
subdir: app
- yes
MaintainerNotes: Built from [https://github.com/dwi336/Eleven] with modified build
files and structure.
ArchivePolicy: 0 versions
2019-12-19 21:04:37 +00:00
AutoUpdateMode: None
UpdateCheckMode: None
2019-09-10 21:02:33 +00:00
CurrentVersion: '1.0'
CurrentVersionCode: 1