2019-02-25 00:58:49 +00:00
- Navigation
License: GPL-3.0-only
SourceCode: https://github.com/labexp/osmtracker-android
IssueTracker: https://github.com/labexp/osmtracker-android/issues
Changelog: https://github.com/labexp/osmtracker-android/releases
Name: OSMTracker
AutoName: OSMTracker for Android™
Description: |-
Notice: The app developer changed the applicationID, the new updated app is
OSMTracker allows you to track your journey and mark significant way points. Way
points can be marked with a tag using a button, with a quick voice record, a
text note or by taking a picture. The various button pages and layouts can be
customized to suit your OpenStreetMap activities. You can view your current
track on top of an OpenStreetMap background.
RepoType: git
Repo: https://github.com/labexp/osmtracker-android.git
- versionName: 0.5.6
versionCode: 21
commit: 0.5.6
target: android-8
- versionName: 0.5.7
versionCode: 22
commit: eac27c8a37066988f784cbc2ad7e7a2ab0326839
target: android-4
- versionName: 0.6.2
versionCode: 26
commit: 0.6.2
target: android-15
- versionName: 0.6.3
versionCode: 27
commit: 0.6.3
target: android-15
- versionName: 0.6.4
versionCode: 28
commit: 5419f9281
- cp -fr res/values-nb/ res/values-no/
- cp -fr res/xml-nb/ res/xml-no/
- rm -rf custom_rules.xml tests
- versionName: 0.6.5
versionCode: 29
commit: 0.6.5
- custom_rules.xml
- versionName: 0.6.6
versionCode: 30
commit: 0.6.6
- custom_rules.xml
- versionName: 0.6.7
versionCode: 32
commit: 0.6.7
- custom_rules.xml
- versionName: 0.6.8
versionCode: 33
commit: 0.6.8
- custom_rules.xml
- versionName: 0.6.9
versionCode: 35
commit: 0.6.9
- custom_rules.xml
- versionName: 0.6.10
versionCode: 36
commit: 0.6.10
subdir: app
- yes
- app/libs/*.jar
prebuild: sed -i -e '/compile files/d' -e '/dependencies {/acompile "org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-core:0.7.2"\ncompile
"org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.2.1"\ncompile "org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.2.1"\ncompile
"org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime:4.2.1"\ncompile "org.osmdroid:osmdroid-android:4.2"\ncompile
"oauth.signpost:signpost-commonshttp4:"\ncompile "oauth.signpost:signpost-core:"\ncompile
"org.slf4j:slf4j-android:1.6.1-RC1"\n' build.gradle
- versionName: 0.6.11
versionCode: 37
commit: 0.6.11
subdir: app
- yes
2019-03-09 17:33:32 +00:00
ArchivePolicy: 0 versions
2019-02-25 00:58:49 +00:00
AutoUpdateMode: Version %v
UpdateCheckMode: Tags
CurrentVersion: 0.6.11
CurrentVersionCode: 37