2019-07-12 12:21:39 +00:00
- Navigation
License: GPL-3.0-only
WebSite: https://strasweb.fr
SourceCode: https://svn.strasweb.fr/listing.php?repname=StrasWeb&path=%2Fopendata%2Fapp%2F
AutoName: Trouve ton campus
Summary: Find your campus in Strasbourg
Description: |-
HTML5 app that helps students in Strasbourg (France) find the best way to get to
their campus.
RepoType: git-svn
Repo: https://svn.strasweb.fr/strasweb/opendata/app
- versionName: 1.0.1
versionCode: 4
commit: '149'
target: android-17
AutoUpdateMode: None
UpdateCheckMode: RepoManifest
CurrentVersion: 1.0.1
CurrentVersionCode: 4
2019-07-12 12:22:54 +00:00
NoSourceSince: 1.0.1