2019-08-19 09:41:44 +00:00
- Games
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
2019-10-29 20:50:51 +00:00
AuthorName: Slobodan Pejić
AuthorWebSite: https://pejici.net/~slobo/
WebSite: https://pejici.net/~slobo/projects/easydice.html
2019-08-19 09:41:44 +00:00
SourceCode: https://github.com/pejic/EasyDice
IssueTracker: https://github.com/pejic/EasyDice/issues
AutoName: Easy Dice
Description: |-
Easy Dice is an rpg dice rolling app with the following features:
* Variety of die types: D4, D6, D8, D10, D10x10, D12, D20
* Choose which dice to roll together. For example a D4 with two D8.
* Re-rolling of dice. Tap dice to select which ones will roll and which ones will stay.
* Adding up. Sums all the die face values.
* Die sets: keep dice sets for later. E.g. different attacks in an RPG game.
RepoType: git
Repo: https://github.com/pejic/EasyDice-AndroidAssets.git
- versionName: '1.5'
versionCode: 3
commit: d4f7fb7501ac8df8b23726905b7f0d6aabfbea6b
subdir: androidsrc
- versionName: '1.6'
versionCode: 4
commit: af97a88bf69
subdir: androidsrc
- versionName: 1.6.1
versionCode: 5
commit: 1.6.1
subdir: androidsrc
- versionName: 1.6.2
versionCode: 6
commit: 1.6.2
subdir: androidsrc
- versionName: 1.7.0
versionCode: 7
commit: 1.7.0
subdir: androidsrc
- versionName: 1.8.0
versionCode: 8
commit: 1.8.0
subdir: androidsrc
MaintainerNotes: |-
The repo used is a copy of the real repo (https://github.com/pejic/EasyDice.git)
but with the assets pre-rendered.
We could think about using the main repo and rendering the assets ourselves
(requires blender).
AutoUpdateMode: None
UpdateCheckMode: Tags
CurrentVersion: 1.8.0
CurrentVersionCode: 8