2019-08-19 13:07:11 +00:00
- Games
License: Apache-2.0
SourceCode: https://github.com/JhilanAlkarawi/Swiss-Tournament
AutoName: Swiss Chess Tournament
Summary: Manage tournaments
Description: |-
A Swiss system is common system to use when it is not feasible to play as many
rounds as required in a round-robin tournament, the system is commonly used in
chess, Go, bridge, eSports, Scrabble, squash.
* archive tournaments
* generate pairings and color assignments
* break ties
* handle Byes
* one Bye for player per tournament
* avoid rematch
This app has been superseded by [[com.swiss.tournament]].
- versionName: '1.0'
versionCode: 1
commit: 719f6775e613ae3fbb91ae076413fdc0b0f3d2c6
subdir: app
- yes
- pushd libs
- jar xf *.jar
- rm *.jar
- find -type f -name \*.class -delete
- find -type f -name Test\*.java -delete
- popd
- mv libs src/main/java/
MaintainerNotes: Switch to UCM:RepoManifest when https://github.com/JhilanAlkarawi/Swiss-Tournament/issues/1
is fixed.
ArchivePolicy: 0 versions
AutoUpdateMode: None
UpdateCheckMode: None
CurrentVersion: '0'
CurrentVersionCode: 0
2019-08-19 12:49:23 +00:00
NoSourceSince: '1.0'