TZM: clean up template for next version

This commit is contained in:
David Black 2013-08-25 15:48:11 +01:00
parent 34c579cef8
commit 118bc17e99

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@ -26,19 +26,19 @@ installable. We will be able to remove this dependency soon.
Repo Type:svn
#Repo url used for first two builds: contains lots of useless stuff
Build Version:1.2.3,24,303
# The app doesn't seem to work unless cellular is working!
Build Version:1.2.4,25,316
# Template for the next version: remember to remove anti-feature
# and fix the description!
#Build Version:1.2.4,25,316,\
#prebuild=sed -i '/maps/d' AndroidManifest.xml
Auto Update Mode:None
#Commented out because the Repo url has changed
#Build Version:1.2.3,24,303,subdir=TZM-Android,target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:16
#Build Version:1.2.4,25,316,subdir=TZM-Android,target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:16
#'''N.B no space after slash'''. The app will crash if maps are opened and Google maps not installed
#The app doesn't seem to work unless cellular is working!
#Build Version:1.2.4,25,316,target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:16,prebuild=\
#sed -i 's/<uses-library android:name=""\/>/<uses-library android:name="" android:required="false" \/>/g' AndroidManifest.xml
#Update Check Mode:Market
# also on gplay
Update Check Mode:None
Current Version:1.2.4
Current Version Code:25