diff --git a/metadata/eu.prismsw.lampshade.txt b/metadata/eu.prismsw.lampshade.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dca35ba5e..0000000000
--- a/metadata/eu.prismsw.lampshade.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-Web Site:
-Source Code:https://github.com/prismsw/Lampshade
-Issue Tracker:https://github.com/prismsw/Lampshade/issues
-Auto Name:Lampshade
-Summary:TV tropes wrapper
-tvtropes.org is a wiki catalogue of the tricks of the trade for writing fiction.
-Features include: formatting suitable for mobile devices; holo theme (light and
-dark) and a beautiful ICS look; save articles for later reading; extensive use
-of the action bar; spoiler functionality; search for articles; and more nifty
-little things
-Repo Type:git
-    commit=v1.1.7
-    subdir=Lampshade
-    srclibs=ActionBarSherlock@6e3f2bb5
-    prebuild=sed -i 's@\(android.library.reference.1=\).*@\1$$ActionBarSherlock$$@' project.properties
-    commit=v1.3.3
-    subdir=lampshade
-    maven=yes
-    prebuild=sed -i -e 's@/opt/android-sdk@$$SDK$$@g' -e '103,134d' pom.xml
-    target=android-21
-    commit=v1.3.4
-    subdir=lampshade
-    maven=yes
-    target=android-21
-Auto Update Mode:None
-Update Check Mode:Tags
-Current Version:1.3.4
-Current Version Code:134
diff --git a/metadata/eu.prismsw.lampshade.yml b/metadata/eu.prismsw.lampshade.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba68fb612a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/eu.prismsw.lampshade.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+  - Reading
+License: MIT
+SourceCode: https://github.com/prismsw/Lampshade
+IssueTracker: https://github.com/prismsw/Lampshade/issues
+AutoName: Lampshade
+Summary: TV tropes wrapper
+Description: |-
+    tvtropes.org is a wiki catalogue of the tricks of the trade for writing fiction.
+    Features include: formatting suitable for mobile devices; holo theme (light and
+    dark) and a beautiful ICS look; save articles for later reading; extensive use
+    of the action bar; spoiler functionality; search for articles; and more nifty
+    little things
+RepoType: git
+Repo: https://github.com/prismsw/Lampshade.git
+  - versionName: 1.1.7
+    versionCode: 117
+    commit: v1.1.7
+    subdir: Lampshade
+    srclibs:
+      - ActionBarSherlock@6e3f2bb5
+    prebuild: sed -i 's@\(android.library.reference.1=\).*@\1$$ActionBarSherlock$$@'
+        project.properties
+  - versionName: 1.3.3
+    versionCode: 133
+    commit: v1.3.3
+    subdir: lampshade
+    maven: 'yes'
+    prebuild: sed -i -e 's@/opt/android-sdk@$$SDK$$@g' -e '103,134d' pom.xml
+    target: android-21
+  - versionName: 1.3.4
+    versionCode: 134
+    commit: v1.3.4
+    subdir: lampshade
+    maven: 'yes'
+    target: android-21
+AutoUpdateMode: None
+UpdateCheckMode: Tags
+CurrentVersion: 1.3.4
+CurrentVersionCode: 134