deactivated build for info.guardianproject.gpg ...

ELFs found by scanner. Also certain dependencies are required
This commit is contained in:
David Black 2013-05-13 22:48:07 +01:00
parent 95af3e73fc
commit 2df5292235

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@ -1,23 +1,39 @@
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Summary:Gnupg for Android
Summary:GNUPG for Android
This builds an app which is not ready for prime time, but it also builds binaries that
are used by Lil'Debi 0.2, which is
GNU Privacy Guard Command-Line (gpgcli) gives you command line access to the
entire GnuPG suite of encryption software.
GPG is GNUs tool for end-to-end secure communication and encrypted data
GnuPG 2.1 is the new modularized version of GnuPG that now supports OpenPGP
and S/MIME.
Before using gpgcli, be sure to launch the app and let it finish its
installation process.
Once it has completed, then you're ready to use it.
The easiest way to get started with gpgcli is to install
gpgcli will automatically configure Android Terminal Emulator as long as you
have the "Allow PATH extensions" settings enabled.
Status: ALPHA
Repo Type:srclib
Repo Type:git
#Dependencies required
#Build Version:0.0,1,76d62f6064,buildjni=no,submodules=yes,\
#prebuild=make NDK_BASE=$$NDK$$ -C external/ gnupg-install && make NDK_BASE=$$NDK$$ -C external/ gnupg-static && \
#make NDK_BASE=$$NDK$$ -C external/ gpgme-install && make NDK_BASE=$$NDK$$ -C external/ android-assets && ndk-build
Build Version:0.0,1,!ELFs in source code at v0.0,submodules=yes,build=\
make NDK_BASE=$$NDK$$ -C external/ distclean clean-assets && \
make NDK_BASE=$$NDK$$ -C external/,buildjni=yes
Update Check Mode:Static
Auto Update Mode:None
Update Check Mode:Tags
Current Version:0.0
Current Version Code:1