Frog Password Generator: easier recipe

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Daniel Martí 2014-04-22 11:39:57 +02:00
parent 88b45e7623
commit 62ab1468e2

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Web Site:
Source Code:
Issue Tracker:
Auto Name:Frog Password Generator
Summary:Helps to remember passwords
A password generator which will generate the same password only when the
@ -16,20 +17,15 @@ Repo:
prebuild=sed -i -e 's@<artifactId>FrogPw-Core</artifactId>@<artifactId>FrogPw-Core</artifactId><scope>system</scope><systemPath>${basedir}/../FrogPw-Core/target/FrogPw.jar</systemPath>@g' -e 's@<phase>package</phase>@<phase>none</phase>@g' pom.xml && \
cd ../FrogPw-Core && \
mvn package
prebuild=sed -i -e 's@<artifactId>FrogPw-Core</artifactId>@<artifactId>FrogPw-Core</artifactId><scope>system</scope><systemPath>${basedir}/../FrogPw-Core/target/FrogPw.jar</systemPath>@g' -e 's@<phase>package</phase>@<phase>none</phase>@g' pom.xml
Maintainer Notes:
Replacing package phase globally is a bad idea, need to run something
like 'mvn package -Dmaven.jar.sign.skip=true'.
Running mvn from the root directory builds lib and apk, but this will
break the UCM.
Need to figure out a better way to disable signing than to run that long sed command.
Version mismatch: Version Code from the APK seems to ber versionCode + 1
Use UCM:Tags once the tags have valid Android maven projects - the tag 0.1.1 is not yet buildable.
Auto Update Mode:None