diff --git a/metadata/org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid.txt b/metadata/org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid.txt index c05bdb5bb9..ff5a6f9387 100644 --- a/metadata/org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid.txt +++ b/metadata/org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid.txt @@ -1870,7 +1870,6 @@ Build:39.0.2,390210 mv obj-${fxarch}/dist/fennec-*.apk fdroid/fennec-unsigned.apk && \ zip -d fdroid/fennec-unsigned.apk "META-INF*" -#makes scanner explode on my local box, so only tested with --skip-scan Build:40.0,400000 commit=FENNEC_40_0_RELEASE init=find toolkit/crashreporter/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name "crashreporter.mozbuild" ! -name "google-breakpad" -exec rm -R '{}' \; && \ @@ -1999,7 +1998,6 @@ Build:40.0,400000 mv obj-${fxarch}/dist/fennec-*.apk fdroid/fennec-unsigned.apk && \ zip -d fdroid/fennec-unsigned.apk "META-INF*" -#makes scanner explode on my local box, so only tested with --skip-scan Build:40.0,400010 commit=FENNEC_40_0_RELEASE init=find toolkit/crashreporter/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name "crashreporter.mozbuild" ! -name "google-breakpad" -exec rm -R '{}' \; && \ @@ -2128,206 +2126,10 @@ Build:40.0,400010 mv obj-${fxarch}/dist/fennec-*.apk fdroid/fennec-unsigned.apk && \ zip -d fdroid/fennec-unsigned.apk "META-INF*" -Build:40.0.3,400300 - disable=-Werror - commit=FENNEC_40_0_3_RELEASE - init=find toolkit/crashreporter/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name "crashreporter.mozbuild" ! -name "google-breakpad" -exec rm -R '{}' \; && \ - find toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name "src" -exec rm -R '{}' \; && \ - rm -R toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/tools/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/client/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/processor/testdata/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/third_party/linux/ && \ - find dom/html/test/ -type f -exec rm '{}' \; && \ - rm -R accessible/tests/ && \ - rm -R addon-sdk/source/test/ && \ - rm -R browser/devtools/debugger/test/ && \ - rm -R browser/devtools/webide/test/ && \ - rm -R build/mobile/robocop/ && \ - rm -R build/mobile/sutagent/ && \ - rm -R chrome/test/ && \ - rm -R content/ && \ - rm -R docshell/test/ && \ - rm -R dom/apps/tests/ && \ - rm -R dom/base/crashtests/ && \ - rm -R dom/base/test/ && \ - rm -R dom/html/test/ && \ - rm -R dom/indexedDB/test/ && \ - rm -R dom/tests/ && \ - rm -R layout/base/crashtests/ && \ - rm -R layout/generic/crashtests/ && \ - rm -R layout/generic/test/ && \ - rm -R layout/reftests/ && \ - rm -R mobile/android/build/classycle/ && \ - rm -R mobile/android/tests/ && \ - rm -R modules/libmar/tests/ && \ - rm -R modules/libjar/test/ && \ - rm -R modules/libjar/zipwriter/test/ && \ - rm -R mozglue/linker/tests/ && \ - rm -R security/manager/ssl/tests/compiled/ && \ - rm -R security/manager/ssl/tests/*test/ && \ - rm -R security/nss/cmd/bltest/tests/ && \ - rm -R security/nss/tests/ && \ - rm -R services/sync/tests/ && \ - rm -R testing/crashtest/ && \ - rm -R testing/mozbase/mozinstall/tests/ && \ - rm -R testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/ && \ - rm -R testing/web-platform/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/devtools/apps/tests/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/components/search/tests/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/modules/tests/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/mozapps/update/tests/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/webapps/tests/ && \ - rm -R widget/crashtests/ && \ - rm -R xpcom/tests/ && \ - sed -i -e '/nsExceptionHandler/d' ipc/glue/GeckoChildProcessHost.cpp && \ - sed -i -e '/nsExceptionHandler/d' toolkit/xre/nsAndroidStartup.cpp && \ - sed -i -e '/nsExceptionHandler/d' toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp && \ - sed -i -e '/source\/test\//d' addon-sdk/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/testing\/web-platform\/mach_commands.py/d' build/mach_bootstrap.py && \ - sed -i -e '/TESTS_MANIFESTS/,+19d' docshell/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/tests\//d' dom/apps/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/test\//d' dom/html/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/test\//d' dom/indexedDB/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/MOCHITEST/d' layout/generic/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/reftests\//d' -e '/crashtest\//d' layout/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/classycle_jar/,+7d' -e 's/.geckoview.deps ././g' -e 's/PROGUARD_PASSES=1/PROGUARD_PASSES=3/g' mobile/android/base/Makefile.in && \ - sed -i -e '/TEST/d' modules/libjar/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/TEST/d' modules/libjar/zipwriter/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/\/content/d' toolkit/toolkit.mozbuild && \ - sed -i -e '/xpcshell.ini/d' toolkit/components/search/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/MOCHITEST/,+5d' toolkit/devtools/apps/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/tests\//d' toolkit/modules/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/tests/d' toolkit/mozapps/update/moz.build - output=fdroid/fennec-unsigned.apk - srclibs=MozLocales@f4abaa2ece7fb6c56cb75222c9df7355010ff661 - prebuild=mkdir fdroid && \ - fxarch=arm-linux-androideabi && \ - l10ndir=`readlink -f $$MozLocales$$` && \ - sed -i -e 's|about:feedback|https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/issues|g' mobile/android/base/resources/xml/preferences_vendor.xml && \ - sed -i -e 's/android:debuggable="true"//g' mobile/android/base/AndroidManifest.xml.in && \ - sed -i -e '/MOZ_SERVICES_HEALTHREPORT/d' -e '/MOZ_DEVICES/d' -e '/MOZ_SAFE_BROWSING/d' -e '/MOZ_ANDROID_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINED/,+2d' mobile/android/confvars.sh && \ - echo -e 'MOZ_DEVICES=\nMOZ_NATIVE_DEVICES=\nMOZ_SERVICES_HEALTHREPORT=\nMOZ_SAFE_BROWSING=\n' >> mobile/android/confvars.sh && \ - sed -i -e '/MOZ_ANDROID_GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES/d' configure.in && \ - echo "ac_add_options --with-android-ndk=\"$$NDK$$\"" > .mozconfig && \ - echo "ac_add_options --with-android-sdk=\"$$SDK$$/platforms/android-23\"" >> .mozconfig && \ - echo "ac_add_options --enable-application=mobile/android" >> .mozconfig && \ - echo "ac_add_options --target=${fxarch}" >> .mozconfig && \ - echo "ac_add_options --disable-tests" >> .mozconfig && \ - echo "ac_add_options --disable-updater" >> .mozconfig && \ - echo "ac_add_options --disable-eme" >> .mozconfig && \ - echo "ac_add_options --disable-mochitest" >> .mozconfig && \ - echo "ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter" >> .mozconfig && \ - echo "ac_add_options --disable-debug" >> .mozconfig && \ - echo "ac_add_options --with-branding=mobile/android/branding/unofficial" >> .mozconfig && \ - echo "ac_add_options --with-l10n-base=${l10ndir}" >> .mozconfig && \ - echo "mk_add_options 'export L10NBASEDIR=${l10ndir}'" >> .mozconfig && \ - echo "mk_add_options 'export ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$$VERCODE$$'" >> .mozconfig && \ - echo "mk_add_options 'export MOZ_CHROME_MULTILOCALE=$(tr '\n' ' ' < mobile/android/locales/maemo-locales)'" >> .mozconfig && \ - pushd mobile/android/branding/unofficial/ && \ - sed -i -e '/ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME/d' -e '/MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME/d' configure.sh && \ - echo 'ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME=org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid' >> configure.sh && \ - echo 'MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME="Fennec F-Droid"' >> configure.sh && \ - popd && \ - sed -i -e 's/size_impl(v/size_impl(const v/g' memory/mozjemalloc/jemalloc.c && \ - rm -R mobile/android/gradle/ && \ - sed -i -e '/gradle/d' mobile/android/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/gmp-provider/d' mobile/android/app/mobile.js && \ - echo 'pref("media.gmp-provider.enabled", false);' >> mobile/android/app/mobile.js && \ - echo 'pref("media.gmp-manager.url.override", "data:text/plain,");' >> mobile/android/app/mobile.js && \ - echo 'pref("media.gmp-gmpopenh264.enabled", false);' >> mobile/android/app/mobile.js && \ - sed -i -e '/casting.enabled/d' mobile/android/app/mobile.js && \ - echo 'pref("browser.casting.enabled", false);' >> mobile/android/app/mobile.js && \ - mkdir -p layout/reftests/ && \ - touch layout/reftests/moz.build && \ - echo "==HEALTHREPORTER==" && \ - sed -i -e '/datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled/s/true/false/g' -e '/datareporting.healthreport.service.enabled/s/true/false/g' ./services/healthreport/healthreport-prefs.js && \ - sed -i -e '/android.not_a_preference.healthreport.uploadEnabled/,+3s/android:defaultValue="true"/android:defaultValue="false"/g' mobile/android/base/resources/xml/preferences_vendor.xml && \ - rm mobile/android/base/health/* && \ - rm -R mobile/android/base/background/*report* && \ - rm mobile/android/services/manifests/HealthReport* && \ - patch -p1 <$$MozLocales$$/Remove_FHR.patch - scanignore=mobile/android/base/JavaAddonManager.java - build=./mach build && \ - fxarch=`grep "ac_add_options --target=" .mozconfig | cut -d '=' -f2` && \ - pushd obj-${fxarch}/mobile/android/locales && \ - for loc in $(cat ../../../../mobile/android/locales/maemo-locales); do LOCALE_MERGEDIR=$PWD/merge-$loc make merge-$loc LOCALE_MERGEDIR=$PWD/merge-$loc; make LOCALE_MERGEDIR=$PWD/merge-$loc chrome-$loc LOCALE_MERGEDIR=$PWD/merge-$loc; done && \ - popd && \ - ./mach package && \ - mv obj-${fxarch}/dist/fennec-*.apk fdroid/fennec-unsigned.apk && \ - zip -d fdroid/fennec-unsigned.apk "META-INF*" - -Build:40.0.3,400310 - disable=-Werror - commit=FENNEC_40_0_3_RELEASE - init=find toolkit/crashreporter/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name "crashreporter.mozbuild" ! -name "google-breakpad" -exec rm -R '{}' \; && \ - find toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name "src" -exec rm -R '{}' \; && \ - rm -R toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/tools/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/client/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/processor/testdata/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/third_party/linux/ && \ - find dom/html/test/ -type f -exec rm '{}' \; && \ - rm -R accessible/tests/ && \ - rm -R addon-sdk/source/test/ && \ - rm -R browser/devtools/debugger/test/ && \ - rm -R browser/devtools/webide/test/ && \ - rm -R build/mobile/robocop/ && \ - rm -R build/mobile/sutagent/ && \ - rm -R chrome/test/ && \ - rm -R content/ && \ - rm -R docshell/test/ && \ - rm -R dom/apps/tests/ && \ - rm -R dom/base/crashtests/ && \ - rm -R dom/base/test/ && \ - rm -R dom/html/test/ && \ - rm -R dom/indexedDB/test/ && \ - rm -R dom/tests/ && \ - rm -R layout/base/crashtests/ && \ - rm -R layout/generic/crashtests/ && \ - rm -R layout/generic/test/ && \ - rm -R layout/reftests/ && \ - rm -R mobile/android/build/classycle/ && \ - rm -R mobile/android/tests/ && \ - rm -R modules/libmar/tests/ && \ - rm -R modules/libjar/test/ && \ - rm -R modules/libjar/zipwriter/test/ && \ - rm -R mozglue/linker/tests/ && \ - rm -R security/manager/ssl/tests/compiled/ && \ - rm -R security/manager/ssl/tests/*test/ && \ - rm -R security/nss/cmd/bltest/tests/ && \ - rm -R security/nss/tests/ && \ - rm -R services/sync/tests/ && \ - rm -R testing/crashtest/ && \ - rm -R testing/mozbase/mozinstall/tests/ && \ - rm -R testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/ && \ - rm -R testing/web-platform/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/devtools/apps/tests/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/components/search/tests/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/modules/tests/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/mozapps/update/tests/ && \ - rm -R toolkit/webapps/tests/ && \ - rm -R widget/crashtests/ && \ - rm -R xpcom/tests/ && \ - sed -i -e '/nsExceptionHandler/d' ipc/glue/GeckoChildProcessHost.cpp && \ - sed -i -e '/nsExceptionHandler/d' toolkit/xre/nsAndroidStartup.cpp && \ - sed -i -e '/nsExceptionHandler/d' toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp && \ - sed -i -e '/source\/test\//d' addon-sdk/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/testing\/web-platform\/mach_commands.py/d' build/mach_bootstrap.py && \ - sed -i -e '/TESTS_MANIFESTS/,+19d' docshell/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/tests\//d' dom/apps/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/test\//d' dom/html/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/test\//d' dom/indexedDB/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/MOCHITEST/d' layout/generic/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/reftests\//d' -e '/crashtest\//d' layout/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/classycle_jar/,+7d' -e 's/.geckoview.deps ././g' -e 's/PROGUARD_PASSES=1/PROGUARD_PASSES=3/g' mobile/android/base/Makefile.in && \ - sed -i -e '/TEST/d' modules/libjar/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/TEST/d' modules/libjar/zipwriter/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/\/content/d' toolkit/toolkit.mozbuild && \ - sed -i -e '/xpcshell.ini/d' toolkit/components/search/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/MOCHITEST/,+5d' toolkit/devtools/apps/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/tests\//d' toolkit/modules/moz.build && \ - sed -i -e '/tests/d' toolkit/mozapps/update/moz.build +#testing, requires skip-scan, doesnt build +Build:41.0,410010 + disable=test + commit=FENNEC_41_0_RELEASE output=fdroid/fennec-unsigned.apk srclibs=MozLocales@f4abaa2ece7fb6c56cb75222c9df7355010ff661 prebuild=mkdir fdroid && \ @@ -2338,8 +2140,9 @@ Build:40.0.3,400310 sed -i -e '/MOZ_SERVICES_HEALTHREPORT/d' -e '/MOZ_DEVICES/d' -e '/MOZ_SAFE_BROWSING/d' -e '/MOZ_ANDROID_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINED/,+2d' mobile/android/confvars.sh && \ echo -e 'MOZ_DEVICES=\nMOZ_NATIVE_DEVICES=\nMOZ_SERVICES_HEALTHREPORT=\nMOZ_SAFE_BROWSING=\n' >> mobile/android/confvars.sh && \ sed -i -e '/MOZ_ANDROID_GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES/d' configure.in && \ + find . -type f -name moz.build -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "/FAIL_ON_WARNINGS = True/s/True/False/g" && \ echo "ac_add_options --with-android-ndk=\"$$NDK$$\"" > .mozconfig && \ - echo "ac_add_options --with-android-sdk=\"$$SDK$$/platforms/android-23\"" >> .mozconfig && \ + echo "ac_add_options --with-android-sdk=\"$$SDK$$/platforms/android-22\"" >> .mozconfig && \ echo "ac_add_options --enable-application=mobile/android" >> .mozconfig && \ echo "ac_add_options --target=${fxarch}" >> .mozconfig && \ echo "ac_add_options --disable-tests" >> .mozconfig && \ @@ -2367,15 +2170,8 @@ Build:40.0.3,400310 echo 'pref("media.gmp-gmpopenh264.enabled", false);' >> mobile/android/app/mobile.js && \ sed -i -e '/casting.enabled/d' mobile/android/app/mobile.js && \ echo 'pref("browser.casting.enabled", false);' >> mobile/android/app/mobile.js && \ - mkdir -p layout/reftests/ && \ - touch layout/reftests/moz.build && \ - echo "==HEALTHREPORTER==" && \ sed -i -e '/datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled/s/true/false/g' -e '/datareporting.healthreport.service.enabled/s/true/false/g' ./services/healthreport/healthreport-prefs.js && \ - sed -i -e '/android.not_a_preference.healthreport.uploadEnabled/,+3s/android:defaultValue="true"/android:defaultValue="false"/g' mobile/android/base/resources/xml/preferences_vendor.xml && \ - rm mobile/android/base/health/* && \ - rm -R mobile/android/base/background/*report* && \ - rm mobile/android/services/manifests/HealthReport* && \ - patch -p1 <$$MozLocales$$/Remove_FHR.patch + sed -i -e '/android.not_a_preference.healthreport.uploadEnabled/,+3s/android:defaultValue="true"/android:defaultValue="false"/g' mobile/android/base/resources/xml/preferences_vendor.xml scanignore=mobile/android/base/JavaAddonManager.java build=./mach build && \ fxarch=`grep "ac_add_options --target=" .mozconfig | cut -d '=' -f2` && \ @@ -2388,8 +2184,11 @@ Build:40.0.3,400310 Maintainer Notes: +find . -type f -name moz.build -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "\$aFAIL_ON_WARNINGS = False" && \ +find . -type f -name moz.build -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "\$aALLOW_COMPILER_WARNINGS = True" && \ -Werror: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/c646a88160d7 +http://gregoryszorc.com/blog/2013/02/28/moz.build-files-and-the-firefox-build-system/ TODO: * clean up