Update SMS Backup+ to 1.5.10 (1554)

This commit is contained in:
Boris Kraut 2015-08-21 14:45:49 +02:00
parent 42a3569ac5
commit 832238ce96

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@ -195,6 +195,21 @@ Build:1.5.9,1553
$$MVN3$$ -Dmaven.test.skip=true install && \ $$MVN3$$ -Dmaven.test.skip=true install && \
popd popd
prebuild=$$MVN3$$ install:install-file -DgroupId=android -DartifactId=android -Dversion=4.4_r1 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=$$SDK$$/platforms/android-19/android.jar && \
pushd $$k9lib$$/k9mail-library && \
sed -i -e '/mavenDeployer/a/*' -e '/pom.project/i*/' build.gradle && \
sed -i -e '/mavenDeployer/adef sha = "git rev-parse --short HEAD".execute().text' build.gradle && \
sed -i -e '/mavenDeployer/arepository(url: mavenLocal().url) {' build.gradle && \
gradle uploadArchives && \
popd && \
pushd $$PayMe$$ && \
$$MVN3$$ -Dmaven.test.skip=true install && \
Maintainer Notes: Maintainer Notes:
We try to repurpose the official mavendeployer (which deploys to bintray) for a We try to repurpose the official mavendeployer (which deploys to bintray) for a
mavenLocal() deployment. I don't know if this will work on the BS. It builds mavenLocal() deployment. I don't know if this will work on the BS. It builds