diff --git a/metadata/im.vector.alpha.txt b/metadata/im.vector.alpha.txt index ae1b3959ee..cf152bb835 100644 --- a/metadata/im.vector.alpha.txt +++ b/metadata/im.vector.alpha.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -AntiFeatures:Tracking Categories:Internet,Phone & SMS License:Apache-2.0 Web Site:https://riot.im @@ -11,6 +10,10 @@ Bitcoin:1LxowEgsquZ3UPZ68wHf8v2MDZw82dVmAE Auto Name:Riot.im Summary:Open team collaboration Description: +'''Note:''' The latest version has piwik analytics disabled by default now. If +you installed riot before v0.8.7 you can check if analytics are enabled in the +settings page. + Riot gathers all your conversations and app integrations into one single app. Built around group chatrooms, Riot lets you share messages, images, videos and @@ -45,10 +48,6 @@ will keep syncing in the background. If you find that the ongoing background sync is using too much battery, you can add a delay or change the timeout of the sync or even disable background sync completely, in the settings page. -Antifeatures: - -* Includes opt-out Piwik analytics. - For developers: * Riot is a Matrix client - built on the Matrix.org open standard and ecosystem, providing interoperability with all other Matrix compatible apps, servers and integrations @@ -443,6 +442,51 @@ Build:0.8.5,80500 popd && \ cp $$matrixsdk$$/matrix-sdk/build/outputs/aar/matrix-sdk-release-*.aar libs/matrix-sdk.aar +Build:0.8.7,80700 + commit=v0.8.7 + subdir=vector + sudo=curl -Lo node.tar.xz https://nodejs.org/dist/v8.11.1/node-v8.11.1-linux-x64.tar.xz && \ + echo "6617e245fa0f7fbe0e373e71d543fea878315324ab31dc64b4eba10e42d04c11 node.tar.xz" | sha256sum -c - && \ + tar xJf node.tar.xz && \ + cp -a node-v8.11.1-linux-x64/. /usr/local/ && \ + npm install -g react-native-cli + gradle=appfdroid + srclibs=matrixsdk@v0.9.3,olmsdk@18b067a46f575299a80349d2a5dce74b7dad88de,jitsi-meet@c109199e060faa05440c6971f0683e8eb4d81167 + prebuild=sed -i -e '/com.google.firebase/d' build.gradle && \ + sed -i -e '/com.google.gms.google-services/d' build.gradle && \ + find . -name *.aar -exec truncate -s 0 {} \; + build=pushd $$olmsdk$$/android && \ + echo ndk.dir=$$NDK$$ > local.properties && \ + rm gradle.properties && \ + gradle assembleRelease && \ + popd && \ + cp $$olmsdk$$/android/olm-sdk/build/outputs/aar/olm-sdk-release-2.2.2.aar libs/olm-sdk.aar && \ + cp $$olmsdk$$/android/olm-sdk/build/outputs/aar/olm-sdk-release-2.2.2.aar $$matrixsdk$$/matrix-sdk/libs/olm-sdk.aar && \ + pushd $$jitsi-meet$$ && \ + npm install && \ + make && \ + pushd android && \ + gradle assembleRelease && \ + popd && \ + react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.android.js --bundle-output index.android.bundle --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res/ && \ + popd && \ + cp $$jitsi-meet$$/android/sdk/build/outputs/aar/sdk-release.aar libs/jitsi-sdk.aar && \ + cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-background-timer/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-background-timer-release.aar libs/react-native-background-timer.aar && \ + cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-fetch-blob/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-fetch-blob-release.aar libs/react-native-fetch-blob.aar && \ + cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-immersive/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-immersive-release.aar libs/react-native-immersive.aar && \ + cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-keep-awake/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-keep-awake-release.aar libs/react-native-keep-awake.aar && \ + cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-vector-icons-release.aar libs/react-native-vector-icons.aar && \ + cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-webrtc/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-webrtc-release.aar libs/react-native-webrtc.aar && \ + cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-webrtc/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-webrtc-release.aar $$matrixsdk$$/matrix-sdk/libs/react-native-webrtc.aar && \ + cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-locale-detector/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-locale-detector-release.aar libs/react-native-locale-detector.aar && \ + cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native/android/com/facebook/react/react-native/0.50.4/react-native-0.50.4.aar libs/react-native.aar && \ + cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/Fonts/*.ttf src/main/assets/fonts/ && \ + cp $$jitsi-meet$$/index.android.bundle src/main/assets/ && \ + pushd $$matrixsdk$$ && \ + gradle clean assembleRelease && \ + popd && \ + cp $$matrixsdk$$/matrix-sdk/build/outputs/aar/matrix-sdk-release-*.aar libs/matrix-sdk.aar + Maintainer Notes: Upstream puts their library aars inside the repo, we need build them our self. We truncate instead of deleting them such that the initial gradle clean is successful. jitsi-meet needs react-native which we get via npm. This pulls in a few prebuilt binaries for now :-/.