Include Öffi 10.0 in the F-Droid main repository.

Öffi is the king of public transit (-:
From version 10 on, the app is licensed under GPLv3!
It is build reproducibly using F-Droid's fdroidserver, as well as my traditional build toolchain.
Thanks to F-Droid's support for reproducable builds, it will be signed using my release key
I've been using for years on Google Play and my previous F-Droid repository. This will hopefully aid
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Schildbach 2018-07-13 15:45:02 +02:00
parent f5333a7f9b
commit 90c0cc44a4

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Author Name:Andreas Schildbach
Web Site:
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Issue Tracker:
Auto Name:Öffi
Summary:The King of Public Transit
All-in-one app for public transit:
* trip planner (door to door),
* live departure times (including delays),
* nearby stations (also on a map) and
* interactive network plans.
Öffi makes use of official time table and connection data of the selected public
transit authority! This ensures that disruptions become visible as soon as the
transit authority has included them with the data.
Requested permissions:
* Full network access, because Öffi needs to query information services for departures and disruptions.
* Location, so Öffi can show nearby stations and navigate you from your current location.
* Contacts/Calendar, so Öffi can route you to your contacts or location from a calendar event, store a connection in your calendar or e-mail it to your friends.
Other than that, Öffi will not use your private data.
Repo Type:git
prebuild=echo 'task wrapper(type: Wrapper) { gradleVersion = "3.4.1" }' >> ../build.gradle
Auto Update Mode:None
Update Check Mode:None