diff --git a/metadata/com.darshancomputing.BatteryIndicatorPro.txt b/metadata/com.darshancomputing.BatteryIndicatorPro.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8db2b9824e --- /dev/null +++ b/metadata/com.darshancomputing.BatteryIndicatorPro.txt @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +Categories:System +License:GPLv3 +Web Site:http://code.google.com/p/battery-indicator/wiki +Source Code:http://code.google.com/p/battery-indicator/source/checkout +Issue Tracker:http://code.google.com/p/battery-indicator/issues/list +Donate:http://code.google.com/p/battery-indicator/wiki/PackageDownload?tm=2 + +Auto Name:BatteryBot Pro +Summary:Battery monitoring tool +Description: +Shows your battery charge level (percent) as an icon in your status bar, with +temperature, health, voltage, and time since plugged / unplugged in the +notification area. It also has user-configurable alarms, logs, and widgets. + +* Automatic time-remaining estimates based on recent usage +* Several icon sets (including fully configurable green, amber, red, and black icons) +* Small (1x1) and large (4x1) app widgets +* Notification (with status bar icon) is now optional -- can be used as just a desktop widget +* Battery logging. You can log the battery state (charge, status, voltage, temperature) and browse the logs on the phone or export to CSV. +* Manually or automatically disable / re-enable device lock screen / lockscreen / keyguard +* Alarms (full, charge above X, charge below X, temperature above X, or health failure) +* Control the notification priority on Android 4.1+ (For example, you can set to "minimum" to hide the icon but keep the notification in the tray.) +. + +Repo Type:git +Repo:https://code.google.com/p/battery-indicator/ + +Build:8.1.8,011162 + commit=698744debcd8840873f74f97dd25ead65be35364 + target=android-17 + rm=custom_rules.xml;image-playground;test + +Auto Update Mode:None +Update Check Mode:RepoManifest +Current Version:8.1.8 +Current Version Code:11162 + diff --git a/metadata/com.th.XenonWallpapers.txt b/metadata/com.th.XenonWallpapers.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..56d0ebe8c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/metadata/com.th.XenonWallpapers.txt @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +Categories:Wallpaper +License:GPLv2 +Web Site:http://www.xenonhd.com +Source Code:https://github.com/TeamHorizon/android_packages_apps_XenonWallpapers +Issue Tracker:https://github.com/TeamHorizon/android_packages_apps_XenonWallpapers/issues + +Auto Name:XenonHD Wallpapers +Summary:10 geometric wallpapers +Description: +Just the unbranded wallpapers from the XenonHD ROM static wallpapers. +They're designed for HDPI screens i.e. (800x480px) but they'd be +OK on higher resolution too (even though the app won't allow you to +resize them). + +There is also an option to choose one of seven solid-ish colours. +. + +Repo Type:git +Repo:https://github.com/TeamHorizon/android_packages_apps_XenonWallpapers + +Build:1.1,2 + commit=25c0587e89e32 + init=sed -i 's/XenonHD /Pattern HDPI /g' res/values/strings.xml && \ + sed -i 's/Xenon/Pattern HDPI /g' res/values-es/strings.xml + target=android-16 + extlibs=android/android-support-v4r13.jar + prebuild=cd res/drawable-nodpi/ && \ + rm wallpaper_5.jpg && \ + rm wallpaper_6.jpg && \ + rm wallpaper_7.jpg && \ + rm wallpaper_8.png && \ + rm wallpaper_9.png && \ + rm wallpaper_10.png && \ + rm wallpaper_11.png && \ + rm wallpaper_12.png && \ + rm wallpaper_14.jpg && \ + rm wallpaper_15.jpg && \ + rm wallpaper_16.jpg && \ + rm wallpaper_17.png && \ + rm wallpaper_2*.png + +Auto Update Mode:None +Update Check Mode:None +Current Version:1.1 +Current Version Code:2 + diff --git a/metadata/priv.twoerner.brightnesswidget.txt b/metadata/priv.twoerner.brightnesswidget.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bac4587306 --- /dev/null +++ b/metadata/priv.twoerner.brightnesswidget.txt @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +Categories:System +License:MIT +Web Site: +Source Code:https://github.com/tillwoerner/BrightnessWidget +Issue Tracker:https://github.com/tillwoerner/BrightnessWidget/issues + +Auto Name:Brightness Widget +Summary:Brightness widget +Description: +Configurable brightness widget. +. + +Repo Type:git +Repo:https://github.com/tillwoerner/BrightnessWidget.git + +Build:1.6,7 + commit=Version_1.6 + prebuild=sed -i '/reference/d' project.properties + +Auto Update Mode:None +Update Check Mode:Tags +Current Version:1.6 +Current Version Code:7 +