CSipSimple (com.csipsimple): Nearly builds, will try the next release

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Martí 2014-02-10 10:01:17 +01:00
parent 60ba39c0f2
commit a2c8a72799

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
Disabled:Need to build recent version from source
Categories:Phone & SMS
Web Site:https://code.google.com/p/csipsimple
@ -17,26 +16,33 @@ Description:
* Fancy UI
* Many codecs (HD codecs, optimized codecs)
* Supported crypto : TLS for SIP and SRTP/ZRTP for media
* Themes.
* Themes
N.B This apk is form ARMv7 only. Other ABIs are available from the website
This build doesn't include SILK (Skype) support.
Repo Type:git-svn
# svn update to different revision will break repo so may as well use the stable branch
# Requires quilt and swig as described here: https://code.google.com/p/csipsimple/wiki/HowToBuild
# See https://code.google.com/p/csipsimple/issues/detail?id=2035 for more
# Contains bash scripts ; Dexclassloaders in webrtc source
# Docs say package name can be changed by renaming it in Manifest!
# Probably should be patched to fix path problems in the various Makefiles
Build Version:1.00.00,2200,!WIP at 2236,\
sed -i 's/com.csipsimple/org.fdroid.csipsimple/g' AndroidManifest.xml && \
sed -i 's@\(reference.1=\).*@\1$$ActionBarSherlock$$@' project.properties,build=\
make SWIG=swig ANDROID_NDK=$$NDK$$ ANDROID_SDK=$$SDK$$,buildjni=no
disable=patches to pjsip don't apply
prebuild=sed -i 's/MY_USE_SILK := 1/MY_USE_SILK := 0/' jni/Application.mk && \
sed -i 's/ silk//' Makefile && \
sed -i '/silk/d' jni/Android.mk
build=make SWIG=swig ANDROID_NDK=$$NDK$$ ANDROID_SDK=$$SDK$$
Maintainer Notes:
DexClassLoader used to load htc front-facing camera jar on HTC Evo devices.
Does not break the app on other devices nor on HTC Evo devices that don't have
the jar shipped with the device from HTC.
Auto Update Mode:None
Update Check Mode:Static
Update Check Mode:RepoManifest
Current Version:1.02.00
Current Version Code:2353