riot: add 0.8.13

This commit is contained in:
Marcus Hoffmann 2018-08-10 14:10:37 +02:00
parent e7a46db59c
commit ad4788d68d

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@ -663,14 +663,65 @@ Build:0.8.12,81200
popd && \
cp $$matrixsdk$$/matrix-sdk/build/outputs/aar/matrix-sdk-release-*.aar libs/matrix-sdk.aar
sudo=curl -Lo node.tar.xz && \
echo "08e2fcfea66746bd966ea3a89f26851f1238d96f86c33eaf6274f67fce58421a node.tar.xz" | sha256sum -c - && \
tar xJf node.tar.xz && \
cp -a node-v8.11.3-linux-x64/. /usr/local/ && \
npm install -g react-native-cli
prebuild=sed -i -e '/' build.gradle && \
sed -i -e '/' build.gradle && \
find . -name *.aar -exec truncate -s 0 {} \;
build=pushd $$olmsdk$$/android && \
echo ndk.dir=$$NDK$$ > && \
rm && \
gradle assembleRelease && \
popd && \
cp $$olmsdk$$/android/olm-sdk/build/outputs/aar/olm-sdk-release-2.3.0.aar libs/olm-sdk.aar && \
cp $$olmsdk$$/android/olm-sdk/build/outputs/aar/olm-sdk-release-2.3.0.aar $$matrixsdk$$/matrix-sdk/libs/olm-sdk.aar && \
pushd $$jitsi-meet$$ && \
sed -i -e 's|"url-polyfill": "github:github/url-polyfill#39734186de44612bc5a16eb25f5407adcc5b2e7c"|"@webcomponents/url": "0.7.1"|' package.json && \
sed -i -e 's|url-polyfill|@webcomponents/url|' react/features/base/lib-jitsi-meet/native/polyfills-browser.js && \
sed -i -e '/url-polyfill/d' react/features/base/lib-jitsi-meet/_.web.js && \
rm package-lock.json && \
npm install && \
make && \
pushd android && \
gradle assembleRelease && \
popd && \
react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file --bundle-output --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res/ && \
popd && \
cp $$jitsi-meet$$/android/sdk/build/outputs/aar/sdk-release.aar libs/jitsi-sdk.aar && \
cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-background-timer/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-background-timer-release.aar libs/react-native-background-timer.aar && \
cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-fetch-blob/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-fetch-blob-release.aar libs/react-native-fetch-blob.aar && \
cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-immersive/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-immersive-release.aar libs/react-native-immersive.aar && \
cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-keep-awake/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-keep-awake-release.aar libs/react-native-keep-awake.aar && \
cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-vector-icons-release.aar libs/react-native-vector-icons.aar && \
cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-webrtc/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-webrtc-release.aar libs/react-native-webrtc.aar && \
cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-webrtc/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-webrtc-release.aar $$matrixsdk$$/matrix-sdk/libs/react-native-webrtc.aar && \
cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-locale-detector/android/build/outputs/aar/react-native-locale-detector-release.aar libs/react-native-locale-detector.aar && \
cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native/android/com/facebook/react/react-native/0.50.4/react-native-0.50.4.aar libs/react-native.aar && \
cp $$jitsi-meet$$/node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/Fonts/*.ttf src/main/assets/fonts/ && \
cp $$jitsi-meet$$/ src/main/assets/ && \
pushd $$matrixsdk$$ && \
gradle clean assembleRelease && \
popd && \
cp $$matrixsdk$$/matrix-sdk/build/outputs/aar/matrix-sdk-release-*.aar libs/matrix-sdk.aar
Maintainer Notes:
Upstream puts their library aars inside the repo, we need build them our self. We truncate instead of deleting them such that the initial gradle clean is successful.
jitsi-meet needs react-native which we get via npm. This pulls in a few prebuilt binaries for now :-/.
We also need to provide an up to date version of npm and nodejs, neither of which can be found in debian jessie, so we download the upstream provided nodejs bundle which includes npm.
Then we walk through olmsdk, jitsi-meet, matrixsdk (which needs those other two, at least partly) and finally riot, which needs all three dependencies.
Currently pinned jitsi-lib version needs a few hacks to still build from source:
Auto Update Mode:None
Update Check Mode:Tags
Current Version:0.8.12
Current Version Code:81200
Current Version:0.8.13
Current Version Code:81300