diff --git a/metadata/org.wikipedia.txt b/metadata/org.wikipedia.txt index 12e747361b..4ca6f398f4 100644 --- a/metadata/org.wikipedia.txt +++ b/metadata/org.wikipedia.txt @@ -292,9 +292,12 @@ Build:r/2.7.236-r-2018-06-25,236 init=sed -i '/sonatype/d' ../build.gradle gradle=fdroid forceversion=yes + prebuild=sed -i -e 's/enable true/enable false/' -e '/defaultConfig {/a ndk{abiFilters "arm64-v8a", "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "x86_64"}' build.gradle Maintainer Notes: * versionname is timebased and generated on build; force it. Also remove the timestamp. +* we disable gradle abi splits because using the universal apk is easier for us for now. +* ndk abifilters line is added as otherwise stray mips/armeabi .so files are added to the apk Summary and Description have been moved to the new localizable text files: https://f-droid.org/docs/All_About_Descriptions_Graphics_and_Screenshots