Merge branch 'master' into 'master'

added app CalendarIcsAdapter

this is a renamed clone of icsimport that is already in f-droid


- works with android 2.1 and up (icsimport requres android 4.0 and up)
- implemented icsexport
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Martí 2014-04-05 09:50:08 +00:00
commit d6652193fb

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
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Auto Name:Andoroid Calendar Event ics Import/Export
Summary:Calendar im/export of ics files
Android calendar event import/export via ics file/email-attachment/send.
'''Import to calendar:''' CalendarIcsAdapter allows you to import an event
as the content of an ics-file or an ics-email-attachment into your android
'''Send Event to...''' From the android calendar you can
send the currently selected event to any installed app that can receive text
and/or attachments. If you choose your email client (i.e. k9mail) or
bluetooth you can send the event data to somebodey elses computer and invite
'''Required Android Permissions:'''
* READ_CALENDAR used to export events from calendar
* WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE used to store the created ics-file so that it can be attached to email or send via bluetooth.
'''Status:''' Works with android 4.0 and up. Should work with android 2.1 and up
but it is not garanteed, since there was no standard calender api before android 4.0
This is a fork of icsimport. Current improvements:
* implement export and
* support for android prior to 4.0.
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