Update NewsBlur to 4.3.0b5 (97)

This commit is contained in:
Boris Kraut 2015-06-13 10:01:18 +02:00
parent 28a1b1e37a
commit d7912e954a

View file

@ -335,6 +335,26 @@ Build:4.3.0b3,95
popd && \ popd && \
cp $$OkIo$$/okio/target/okio-1.3.0.jar libs/ cp $$OkIo$$/okio/target/okio-1.3.0.jar libs/
prebuild=cp -r $$Google-Gson$$/src/main/java/com src/ && \
cd ../.. && \
ls | grep -v android | xargs rm -rf && \
cd .. && \
ls | grep -v clients | xargs rm -rf
build=pushd $$OkHttp$$ && \
$$MVN3$$ package -DskipTests && \
popd && \
cp $$OkHttp$$/okhttp-android-support/target/okhttp-android-support-2.3.0.jar libs/ && \
cp $$OkHttp$$/okhttp/target/okhttp-2.3.0.jar libs/ && \
pushd $$OkIo$$ && \
$$MVN3$$ package -DskipTests && \
popd && \
cp $$OkIo$$/okio/target/okio-1.3.0.jar libs/
Maintainer Notes: Maintainer Notes:
No tags, but commits are usually clearly marked. Note that the android client is No tags, but commits are usually clearly marked. Note that the android client is
just a small part of the larger repo. just a small part of the larger repo.