From e130e8a11e8585a563eeb7c73bb6852218c4ce56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marcus Hoffmann Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2017 18:43:54 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] osmand: update to 2.8.2, revamp build recipe Get rid of all prebuilt jar files in all off OsmAnd's repos. Build the native (legacy) core from source (maybe this was already done before?). We now additionally build the jni bridge from source, this requires swig from jessie-backports. It also requires an additional repository, OsmAnd-core, which actually contains the new, non-legacy core. The tools submodule is not actually needed, so it was removed from the build. Many thanks to @Hague for all the work! --- metadata/ | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 74 insertions(+) diff --git a/metadata/ b/metadata/ index 05dea5e102..e569cbd8c2 100644 --- a/metadata/ +++ b/metadata/ @@ -304,11 +304,85 @@ Build:2.7.5,275 sed -i -e '/javaMaxHeapSize/s/4g/1536m/g' build.gradle ndk=r11c +Build:2.8.2,282 + commit=eb0ec22a1bfc0266574a0ee9dcf21161054006b6 + subdir=android/OsmAnd + submodules=yes + sudo=apt-get update && \ + apt-get install --yes -t jessie-backports swig + gradle=full,legacy,fat + rm=android/eclipse-compile,android/OsmAnd-java/libs/*.jar,android/OsmAnd-java/test/libs/*.jar,android/OsmAnd/ant-lib/*.jar,android/OsmAnd/libs/*.jar,android/OsmAndCore-sample + prebuild=sed -i -e "/net.osmand:OsmAndCore_android:.*SNAPSHOT@jar/d" ../OsmAnd/build.gradle && \ + pushd ../../OsmAnd-core/wrappers/android/ && \ + sed -i -e "/Native/d" settings.gradle && \ + sed -i -e "/Native/d" build.gradle && \ + sed -i -e "/compileTask.*copyNdkSharedLibs/d" build.gradle && \ + sed -i -e "/compileTask.*copyQtSharedLibs/d" build.gradle && \ + sed -i -e "/compileTask.*copyQtJarLibs/d" build.gradle && \ + gradle assembleRelease && \ + cd build/outputs/aar && \ + unzip OsmAndCore_android-release.aar && \ + cp classes.jar ../../../../../../android/OsmAnd/libs/ && \ + popd && \ + sed -i -e '/qt.*Compile/d' -e '/' build.gradle ../plugins/Osmand-ParkingPlugin/build.gradle ../plugins/Osmand-SRTMPlugin/build.gradle ../plugins/Osmand-Skimaps/build.gradle ../plugins/Osmand-Nautical/build.gradle && \ + sed -i -e "s/System.getenv(\"APK_VERSION\")/\"$$VERSION$$\"/g" build.gradle && \ + sed -i -e "s/System.getenv(\"APK_NUMBER_VERSION\")/\"$$VERCODE$$\"/g" build.gradle && \ + sed -i -e "s/System.getenv(\"APP_FEATURES\")/\"+play_market +gps_status -parking_plugin -blackberry -amazon -route_nav\"/g" build.gradle && \ + sed -i -e "s/System.getenv(\"APP_NAME\")/\"OsmAnd~\"/g" build.gradle && \ + sed -i -e "s/System.getenv(\"TARGET_APP_NAME\")/\"OsmAnd~\"/g" build.gradle && \ + sed -i -e '/' AndroidManifest.xml && \ + sed -i -e '/javaMaxHeapSize/s/4g/1536m/g' build.gradle && \ + sed -i -e "s/compile fileTree.*/ compile 'commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.1'\n compile group: 'net.sf.trove4j', name: 'trove4j', version: '3.0.3'\n compile 'org.json:json:20090211'\n compile 'it.unibo.alice.tuprolog:tuprolog:3.2.1'\n compile 'net.sf.kxml:kxml2:2.3.0'\n compile 'org.beanshell:bsh-core:2.0b4'\n compile ''\n compile 'fr.univ-valenciennes:bzip2:1.0'\n compile 'com.moparisthebest:junidecode:0.1.1'\n compile 'com.vividsolutions:jts-core:1.14.0'/" ../OsmAnd-java/build.gradle && \ + sed -i -e "s/compile fileTree.*/ compile fileTree(include: ['classes.jar'], dir: 'libs')\n compile 'commons-logging:commons-logging-api:1.1'\n compile 'it.unibo.alice.tuprolog:tuprolog:3.2.1'\n compile 'org.beanshell:bsh-core:2.0b4'\n compile ''\n compile 'fr.univ-valenciennes:bzip2:1.0'\n compile 'com.moparisthebest:junidecode:0.1.1'\n compile group: 'net.sf.trove4j', name: 'trove4j', version: '3.0.3'\n compile 'org.immutables:gson:2.5.0'\n compile 'com.vividsolutions:jts-core:1.14.0'/" build.gradle && \ + sed -i -e "s/public void debug(Object message) {/ public void trace(Object message) { }\n public void trace(Object message, Throwable t) { }\n public boolean isTraceEnabled() { return false; }\n public void debug(Object message) {/" src/net/osmand/ && \ + sed -i -e "s/, ':OsmAndCore-sample'//" ../settings.gradle + scanignore=help/website/help/map-legend_nautical.png,help/website/help/map-legend_default.png,android/OsmAnd/libs/classes.jar + ndk=r11c + Maintainer Notes: Update CV only after sucessfully built and tested. Summary and Description have been moved to the new localizable text files: + +scanignore: Initial section of prebuild commands builds the OsmAnd core java +interface. The standard build downloads a prebuilt jar file from the OsmAnd +build server. To avoid this, the required jar file is built in +OsmAnd-core/wrappers/android, with some sed commands to prevent building of the +full core (only the jar file is needed, the full core is not used (the legacy +core is used, built in the core-legacy module. OsmAnd-core in full has not yet +been released). This includes preventing the various Qt files being built, +also with sed commands. Once this is built, the jar file is extracted from +build/outputs/aar/OsmAndCore_android-release.aar and it is copied to the +android/OsmAnd submodule as libs/classes.jar. Hence, scanignore must not +complain about this file. A couple of rogue pngs are also ignored. + +The very first sed command prevents gradle downloading +OsmAndCore_android.*SNAPSHOT.jar, which contains the files built above. + +Many other jar files are distributed, prebuilt, with the OsmAnd submodules. +The rm= command removes all of these, and replacements are sought through +Maven. This is what the sed commands replacing "compile fileTree" sections are +doing. Details of replaced jars are below. + +Replacement of jar files in OsmAnd-java where versions did not match: + commons-logging-1.1.1.jar replaced with commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.1 + gnu-trove-osmand.jar replaced with net.sf.trove4j:trove4j:3.0.3 + tuprolog.jar replaced with it.unibo.alice.tuprolog:tuprolog:3.2.1 + icu4j-49_1_patched.jar replaced with compile '' in the hope that whatever patch was applied appears also in 50.1. + bzip2-20090327.jar replaced with compile 'fr.univ-valenciennes:bzip2:1.0' + junidecode-0.1.jar replaced with compile 'com.moparisthebest:junidecode:0.1.1' + simple-logging.jar not replaced (subset of commons-logging-1.1.1.jar) + +In OsmAnd directory, jar files are replaced as above except for those specifically excluded by the compile fileTree command, which are: + android-support-multidex.jar + QtAndroid-bundled.jar was not replaced + QtAndroidAccessibility-bundled.jar was not replaced + simple-logging.jar replaced by commons-logging-api:1.1 with sed addition of missing abstract methods trace(...) in + +The final sed command removes OsmAndCore-sample from the settings to prevent +its build (which also downloads prebuilt binaries). OsmAndCore-sample is demo +code that is not needed. . Auto Update Mode:None