Android Foto Finder: Update metadata

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Boris Kraut 2015-07-29 08:17:19 +02:00
parent 5d4c64c1f4
commit e3e0ec156f

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@ -7,35 +7,25 @@ Donate:
Auto Name:Android Foto Finder
Summary:Fast Find local Fotos by Folder, Date and/or geographic Map
Summary:Find local photos by folder, date and/or location
Search through you local media store for photos.
* can handle big image collections (the author has 15000 images in 780
folders on his tablet)
* uses android-system-buildin image content-provider. No initial image scan
* find images via
* * folder (with hirachical picker)
* * wildcards that match folder and/or filename
* * date
* * area in geographic map (if image has gps-exif info)
* show find result in a scrollable gallery view
* foto-detail-view with
* * image zoom
* * swipe to go to next/previous image
* * show extended image info (Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC)
* The geografic map shows markers at places where fotos were taken
* Can handle big image collections (15000+ images in 1000+ folders).
* Uses Android's image content-provider. No initial image scan neccessary.
* Find images via folder (with hirachical picker), wildcards that match folder/filename, date and/or area (if gps-exif data exists).
* Show results in a scrollable gallery view.
* Detail view features zooming, swiping for next/previous image and extended image info (Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC).
* The geografic map shows markers at places where fotos were taken.
Required Android Permissions:
* INTERNET: to download map data from Open Streetmap Server
* ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE and ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: to find out if wifi/internet
is online to start downloaded geodata
* WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (to cache downloaded map data in local file system
and to load gpx/kml-Files to be displayed in the map)
* ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: to display my own location
in the map, too
* ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE and ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: to find out if wifi/internet is online to start downloaded geodata
* WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (to cache downloaded map data in local file system and to load gpx/kml-Files to be displayed in the map)
* ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: to display my own location in the map, too
Repo Type:git