diff --git a/metadata/com.tomer.alwayson.txt b/metadata/com.tomer.alwayson.txt
index ba55adfbed..f14087be48 100644
--- a/metadata/com.tomer.alwayson.txt
+++ b/metadata/com.tomer.alwayson.txt
@@ -7,11 +7,29 @@ Issue Tracker:https://github.com/rosenpin/AlwaysOnDisplayAmoled/issues
 Auto Name:Always On AMOLED
 Summary:Display some information at all times
-A highly customization Always On app targeted at AMOLED phones Description: The
-idea is to provide users with information about, time, date, notifications and
-more and all without having to touch the phone. Just by looking at it.This is
-made possible thanks to AMOLED displays. Most of the screen stays black except
-for a few pixels.
+The idea is to provide users with information about, time, date, notifications
+and more and all without having to touch the phone. Just by looking at it.
+This is made possible thanks to AMOLED displays. Most of the screen stays black
+except for a few pixels.
+* Always On Screen
+* Notifications: view notifications without touching your device
+* Automatic rules: preserve battery using predefined rules
+* Auto movement: avoid AMOLED burn-in
+* Auto night mode: dim the screen automatically in dark environment
+* Pocket mode: lock the device when you leave it in your pocket to save battery
+* Custom watch faces: Digital S7 style, Classic 24H, Analog S7 style, Analog Pebble style and more!
+* Always On Memo: write a reminder and make it show up on your screen all the time!
+* Double tap to wake + Swipe up to wake + Volume keys to wake + Back button to wake
+* Force orientation: set your preferred screen orientation
+* Customization: change the text color, text size, font, brightness and more
+* Greenify integration: start Greenify automatically when locking the screen to save battery
+* Force doze: activate doze when the screen is in the always on state
+Before using please enable 'draw over apps' permission for this app.
 Repo Type:git
@@ -22,12 +40,7 @@ Build:,134
-    commit=0.9.2
-    subdir=app
-    gradle=yes
 Auto Update Mode:None
 Update Check Mode:Tags
-Current Version:
-Current Version Code:147
+Current Version:
+Current Version Code:134