com.dalthed.tucan: Fixed viewpager issue and updated to latest version
Build, install and start of the app tested. Only basic functionality tested because of the lack of an account.
See merge request !491
com.numix.icons_circle: Updated to latest version and fix update check
Build, install and short functionality test.
Update check mode needs to be Tags as the RepoManifest currently contains pre-releases.
See merge request !493 Fix proguard issue
New patch from
Still needs to replace those two .jar files:
* WARNING: Found JAR file at MaterialEditText/library/src/main/libs/android-support-annotations.jar
* WARNING: Found JAR file at appcompat/libs/android-support-v7-appcompat.jar
See merge request !483
com.sismics.reader: Updated to newest version and added srclibs
Build, install and starting of the app tested. Functionality untested because of the lack of an sismics server.
Using Aquery @ 0.26.9 instead of 0.26.7 because of this issue in the older versions together with Java7:!topic/android-query/3HmROsnDJ20
Not quite sure if we also should replace the "drag-sort-listview-0.6.1-SNAPSHOT-AAR.aar" in . This is currently also used in [net.rurik.roman.dashclock](/fdroid/fdroiddata/blob/master/metadata/net.nurik.roman.dashclock.txt)
See merge request !468
Disable Manager: add new version and change auto update mode
Disable Manager
* Add new version(2.0.3,20003)
* Auto Update Mode -> Version %v
* Update Check Mode -> Tags
See merge request !480
Puzzles: Link to the commit logs
A link to release notes / changelog / "What's new" is generally useful, see issue #113.
Puzzles does not have a separate changelog, so I am linking to the commit logs of upstream and the Android port.
See merge request !473
org.transdroid: Update full package to latest version and added lite package
Tested: Scan, build, install, functionality
Also added the light package, sync the description with upstream and changed the update mode as upstream is tagging the releases properly.
See merge request !472
A24game v0.5
Appologize for the frequent updaes, but got a bug in the last published version which make the application crash on some of the android versions.
See merge request !476
com.eolwral.osmonitor: WIP updating to latest version
WIP for updating, currently failes at dex:
[dex] input: /home/vagrant/build/com.eolwral.osmonitor/OSMonitor/bin/classes
[dex] input: /home/vagrant/build/srclib/Support/v7/appcompat/bin/classes.jar
[dex] input: /home/vagrant/build/srclib/Volley/bin/classes.jar
[dex] input: /home/vagrant/build/srclib/ColorPicker-eolwral/bin/classes.jar
[dex] input: /home/vagrant/build/srclib/Support/v7/appcompat/libs/android-support-annotations.jar
[dex] input: /home/vagrant/build/srclib/Support/v7/appcompat/libs/android-support-v4.jar
[dex] Pre-Dexing /home/vagrant/build/srclib/Support/v7/appcompat/bin/classes.jar -> classes-674e69e42a67d3430e93afe0e8219849.jar
[dex] Pre-Dexing /home/vagrant/build/srclib/Volley/bin/classes.jar -> classes-20b882c8330c6decf4702fdb32e886b5.jar
[dex] Pre-Dexing /home/vagrant/build/srclib/ColorPicker-eolwral/bin/classes.jar -> classes-4b0c3b27ddd66e118bd5ef7cf9e9eded.jar
[dex] Pre-Dexing /home/vagrant/build/srclib/Support/v7/appcompat/libs/android-support-annotations.jar -> android-support-annotations-7b37c5e078484cb81a46dd498a341a1a.jar
[dex] Pre-Dexing /home/vagrant/build/srclib/Support/v7/appcompat/libs/android-support-v4.jar -> android-support-v4-e64e754410970a3acdc8989a2c2da936.jar
[dex] Converting compiled files and external libraries into /home/vagrant/build/com.eolwral.osmonitor/OSMonitor/bin/classes.dex...
[dx] Merged dex A (487 defs/978.7KiB) with dex B (279 defs/461.8KiB). Result is 766 defs/1793.1KiB. Took 0.5s
[dx] Merged dex A (766 defs/1793.1KiB) with dex B (70 defs/77.4KiB). Result is 836 defs/2454.0KiB. Took 0.8s
[dx] Result compacted from 3503.3KiB to 1501.2KiB to save 2002.1KiB
[dx] Merged dex A (836 defs/2454.0KiB) with dex B (10 defs/28.1KiB). Result is 846 defs/1501.2KiB. Took 0.4s
[dx] Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/annotation/AnimRes;
[dx] at
[dx] at
[dx] at
[dx] Merged dex A (846 defs/1501.2KiB) with dex B (25 defs/3.5KiB). Result is 871 defs/1878.7KiB. Took 0.1s
[dx] at
[dx] at
[dx] at
[dx] at
[dx] at
[dx] at
[dx] at
/home/vagrant/android-sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:892: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/vagrant/android-sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:894: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/vagrant/android-sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:906: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/vagrant/android-sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:283: null returned: 2
See merge request !464
com.xabber.androiddev: Update to latest and app moved to graddle
Build, install and functionality tested.
Also updated the changelog link and also build the otr4j from sources instead of using the libs/libotr4j.jar shipped in former versions.
See merge request !471