AntiFeatures: - UpstreamNonFree Categories: - Reading License: Apache-2.0 SourceCode: IssueTracker: AutoName: FBReader TTS+ Plugin Description: |- Set rate , pitch, volume, language. Pause at the end of sentences. Better Bluetooth support that can control the app from another app. Just choose Speak+ from the FBReader context menu to activate. The internet permission exists to enable the sending of crash logs to the developer. In the event of a crash a dialogue will be displayed requesting your permission to send the logs. RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: 1.5.9 versionCode: 1050090 commit: e36a844b58 - versionName: 1.6.0 versionCode: 1060000 commit: cebaab3202 - versionName: 1.6.1 versionCode: 1060010 commit: 2d4c9da30f - versionName: 1.7.3 versionCode: 1070030 commit: f50149e3 - versionName: 1.7.4 versionCode: 1070040 commit: ff4138b4f - versionName: 1.9.3 versionCode: 1090030 commit: 9f62b881f - versionName: 2.0.0 versionCode: 2000000 commit: e26ac107c prebuild: sed -i -e '/proguard/d' target: android-15 - versionName: 2.0.3 versionCode: 2000030 commit: fc95b396a4 prebuild: sed -i -e '/proguard/d' target: android-15 - versionName: 2.0.4 versionCode: 2000040 commit: d186f9bf69 prebuild: sed -i -e '/proguard/d' target: android-15 - versionName: 2.0.5 versionCode: 2000050 commit: d50bdc6ad0 prebuild: sed -i -e '/proguard/d' target: android-15 - versionName: 2.1.2 versionCode: 2001020 commit: 5c5a7683a4 prebuild: sed -i -e '/proguard/d' - versionName: 2.2.1 versionCode: 2002010 commit: a75651e3e45 prebuild: sed -i -e '/proguard/d' - versionName: 2.4.0 versionCode: 2004000 disable: weird build process commit: b892f639 init: rm -f srclibs: - 1:TtsSetup@06b25e259053dcf38 - versionName: 3.2.1 versionCode: 3020100 disable: uses dropbox sdk?! commit: 07f54c2ec9c62 srclibs: - 1:TtsSetup@06b25e259053dcf38 - versionName: 3.5.6 versionCode: 3050600 disable: Uses unreleased native libs commit: 9a2b036818db73754d07e2fcd45e05c39e8b8e41 srclibs: - 1:TtsSetup@06b25e259053dcf38f99b2425580ae45ad3b1235 rm: - libs/*.jar - classes/artifacts/TtsSetup_jar/TtsSetup.jar MaintainerNotes: |- Current version uses two native libs TtsNativeLibSmall and atVoiceLibs which currently won't be released according to the dev: AutoUpdateMode: None UpdateCheckMode: RepoManifest CurrentVersion: 3.7.4 CurrentVersionCode: 3070400