Categories: - Navigation License: MIT WebSite: SourceCode: AutoName: OpenGPX Description: |- N.B '''Switch to the OpenStreetMap map provider in settings'''. The app will crash if you try to use Google Maps and you don't have that installed. * Copy gpx files to the folder /sdcard/gpx (or /sdcard/download) * Optional: create / edit the text file /sdcard/gpx/info.txt (e.g. your personal cache search order) * Run OpenGPX Variation 2 (faster imports): * Create a cache database by using the Cache Database Management tool * Copy database.db4o to /sdcard/gpx/database Variation 3 (Online): * Use the "Search Online" feature (requires a free account at [ bcaching]) RepoType: git-svn Repo: Builds: - versionName: 1.1.0 versionCode: 192 commit: '72' prebuild: - mv lib libs - sed -i 's///g' AndroidManifest.xml target: Google Inc.:Google APIs:10 - versionName: 1.2.0 versionCode: 250 disable: not a release at 191 commit: '191' AutoUpdateMode: None UpdateCheckMode: Static CurrentVersion: 1.2.0 CurrentVersionCode: 250