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Summary:Task management
Unofficial (todo list management website) client. Neither
the official apps nor the server are FOSS.

* Offline support (syncs with Todoist servers)
* Filter by projects, labels and queries
* Sort items by due date
* View and edit notes and labels
* View completed items as well
* Backup & restore Todoist data frequently
* Many options for initial view (last used label/project, specific label/project, and many more)
* Todoist text formatting for projects/items/notes (e.g. "my %(b)bold% item!")
* Phone numbers, email and website addresses in items and notes are turned into clickable links
* Support for uncompletable tasks (tasks with an asterisk at the beginning)

Anti-feature: Network Services. The website itself is neither 
free-as-in-freedom nor open-source.

Repo Type:git

Build Version:1.2.8,29,d3b3652b12,rm=BudoistRelease.apk,prebuild=\
rm -f tree-view-list-android/build.xml && $$SDK$$/tools/android update project -p . --subprojects
Build Version:1.2.9,30,9941628951,rm=BudoistRelease.apk,prebuild=\
rm -f tree-view-list-android/build.xml && $$SDK$$/tools/android update project -p . --subprojects
Build Version:1.3.0,31,430a8cf,rm=BudoistRelease.apk,prebuild=\
rm -f tree-view-list-android/build.xml && $$SDK$$/tools/android update project -p . --subprojects
Build Version:1.3.1,32,v1.3.1,rm=BudoistRelease.apk,init=rm -f tree-view-list-android/build.xml

Auto Update Mode:None
Update Check Mode:Market
Current Version:1.3.2
Current Version Code:33