Category:System License:MIT Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Summary:Package information Description: * List all the applications installed on the device * Order by: name, package, install date or permissions * Filter launchable applications Status: BETA . Repo Type:git # Old repos # Repo:git:// # Repo: Repo:git:// # Older recipes are not available in the new repo # Build Version:0.1.i.8,8,5acdcaf53985812a91ef03ae3d3ee97d1f466168,\ # prebuild=rm -rf bin/,target=android-10 # Build Version:0.1.l.11,11,124e49077a,init=rm -rf bin/ gen/ Build Version:0.2.a.12,12,065b79,init=rm -rf bin/ gen/ Build Version:0.2.d.15,15,5862e85a654c,init=rm -rf bin/ gen/ Build Version:0.3.e.21,21,03bdd75002cf040,init=rm -rf bin/ gen/ Build Version:0.3.f.22,22,665257030f60e82,init=rm -rf bin/ gen/ Build Version:0.3.g.23,23,091b33410f9b8bb,init=rm -rf bin/ gen/ Build Version:0.3.h.24,24,28e696e2216f9f8e75b4,init=rm -rf bin/ gen/ Build Version:0.3.i.25,25,6466312acd494ff438ed,init=rm -rf bin/ gen/ Build Version:0.3.l.28,28,bf93ce29c15432e,init=rm -rf bin/ gen/ Build Version:0.3.m.29,29,94a0ad045dafb9ec0,init=rm -rf bin/ gen/ Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:0.3.m.29 Current Version Code:29