Categories:System License:Apache2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:/system/app mover Summary:Add and remove system apps Description: This app moves apps from and to the /system/app folder, making them a system app or a user app. System apps can get more priviledges, so some apps get more functionality when installed as a system app. On the other hand, system apps can not be uninstalled. So this app can also be used to convert system apps to normal user apps by moving them from the /system/app directory to /data/app directory. WARNING: Uninstalling important system apps might result in a unusable device! Use this function at your own risk and only if you know what you're doing! This app requires a rooted device with BusyBox installed. . Requires Root:Yes Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.5.6,19 disable=Doesn't work commit=457e6d661b726d5 srclibs=1:RootToolsSvn@253 target=android-19 Build:1.5.7,20 disable=Doesn't work commit=7c449eb05bbcf srclibs=1:RootToolsSvn@253 target=android-19 Build:1.5.8,158 disable=malformed gradle config commit=9656e9a1fd02bd04476bd5f gradle=yes Build:1.5.9,159 commit=85004571574fc6146641e2ba59faf63af5857a93 gradle=yes prebuild=touch Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:1.6 Current Version Code:160