Categories:System License:GPL-3.0 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Changelog: Bitcoin:16DXeCxxKGvepYLehyHSr3M1nv1s1eUotZ Auto Name:Scrambled Exif Summary:Remove metadata from your pics before sharing them Description: Some people like Facebook and co. to know were their picture was taken so that it can be easily geotagged. Or for whatever reason. That's okay. Some people ''don't'' like that. That's is also okay. '''Scrambled Exif''' (pronounced ''egg''sif) is definitely for the latter. So you don't want to share all the metadata your phone stores for every picture? This app will remove all this data before sharing. Just share a picture like you'd normally do and choose ''Scrambled Exif''. A moment later, the share 'dialog' will reappear. Just share with the app you intended to share with in the first place. Et voilĂ ! '''Required Android Permissions:''' * READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to read the images other apps share with it. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.0,1 commit=v1.0 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.0.1b,4 commit=v1.0.1b subdir=app gradle=yes Auto Update Mode:Version v%v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.0.1b Current Version Code:4