Categories:Internet #Not compatible with ABS and asmack License:GPL Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:yaxim Summary:XMPP (Instant Messaging) client Description: Yet Another XMPP Instant Messenger. Why pay for SMS if you can have unlimited messaging on your data plan? yaxim aims at security, low overhead and keeping your server connection open. So far, it only supports a single account. Features include: connecting to one Jabber or GMail server and staying connected, chat with your contacts, change your roster, persistent Message History and notifications it self-signed certificates need to be accepted. . #Need to obtain and build asmack from source Repo Type:git Repo: Build:0.7.4,5 commit=0.7.4 oldsdkloc=yes Build:0.7.5,6 commit=0.7.5 submodules=yes oldsdkloc=yes Build:0.7.6,7 commit=03a868e submodules=yes oldsdkloc=yes target=android-10 Build:0.7.7,8 commit=0.7.7 submodules=yes oldsdkloc=yes target=android-10 Build:0.8.0,9 commit=0.8.0 submodules=yes oldsdkloc=yes target=android-10 Build:0.8.1,10 commit=0.8.1 submodules=yes oldsdkloc=yes target=android-10 Build:0.8.2,11 commit=0.8.2 submodules=yes oldsdkloc=yes target=android-10 Build:0.8.3,12 disable=can't find corresponding source code commit=unknown - see disabled Build:0.8.4,13 commit=0.8.4 submodules=yes oldsdkloc=yes target=android-10 prebuild=sed -i "s/-optimi.*/-dontoptimize/" proguard.cfg #Shouldn't need to update ABS like this normally Build:0.8.6,15 commit=0.8.6 submodules=yes target=android-14 prebuild=sed -i 's/android-3/android-7/g' MemorizingTrustManager/ && \ $$SDK$$/tools/android update project -p ActionBarSherlock/library -s -t android-14 && \ sed -i '4 i 0.8.6\n' res/values/strings.xml Build:0.8.6b,16 commit=0.8.6b submodules=yes init=rm build.xml && \ sed -i 's/android-3/android-7/g' MemorizingTrustManager/ && \ $$SDK$$/tools/android update project -p ActionBarSherlock/library -s -t android-14 prebuild=sed -i '4 i 0.8.6b' res/values/strings.xml Build:0.8.7,17 commit=0.8.7 submodules=yes init=sed -i 's/android-3/android-7/g' MemorizingTrustManager/ && \ sed -i 's/--dirty=+/--dirty=''/g' build.xml Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:@string/build_revision Current Version Code:18